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pavement- we are down to 5 tracks

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  • #76
    My Mom is in Heaven and whole again, and I am thankful.

    Once in her later years after one in a series of mild strokes, I was telling a doctor something to the effect of "I got her a microwave with ONE knob, provided handwritten instructions, and told her repeatedly how to use it, and still she gets it wrong! What shall I do?".

    He replied "Well now, it is like trying to train a pig. The pig don't learn, and all that happens is that you and the pig get frustrated."

    Point being, it is your own investment in insisting that the other party "changes" that is the source of frustration.

    Pretty smart old Dr., I decided...
    Last edited by OldSchool+; 06-24-2015, 11:10 AM.


    • #77
      Originally posted by UREZ2PASS View Post
      Phil's probably reading this thinking "I'll prove EZ wrong and not say a word"

      LOL ! Damn Yankee aways gotta be right.

      However, I bet he's foaming at the mouth behind his keyboard ! LOL !
      No, Phil is busy watching real racing with real fields. We don't worry about being right. We already know we are.


      • #78
        Originally posted by Weftracing96 View Post
        No, Phil is busy watching real racing with real fields. We don't worry about being right. We already know we are.
        Shut up dummy. LOL !


        • #79
          "We [northerners] don't worry about being right. We already know we are."--Wefty

          Yoho is approachable. You should share your concerns with someone that can make a difference. Maybe give him a mocha-musk scented peace sign amulet while you are instructing him on the "it takes a village" thing.

          I would suggest holding up on the orange wig and red nose...

          Let us know how it goes. Blow by blow (lol).


          • #80
            Yeah, I just don't get it, I got my head buried in the sand. It's all going to shit because of me and my failure to get on a message board and pop tall and salute the guy that tells people for the 500th time the same things they already knew, and then calls them narrow minded. I do what I can at the moment, which is drop my cash at the track every time it's open, occasionally I help a friend with labor or cash. I'm trying to get my kids raised and my house paid for and get back to a point where I can race again. WTF else do you want from me? Exactly what else would you have me do?

            I wear I heart on my sleeve too dude but quite frankly you can't say you have thick skin and you can take whatever and then in the next breathe say you're packin it up and leaving...in a huff.

            We ALL love it too, we ALL wanna see it survive and prosper. We're all in this together, so go get your glove outta the car and start tossing the ball around with the team.


            • #81
              Originally posted by Phil Jacques View Post
              Haha You know, I've heard a bunch about that place but because of how busy I have been, haven't gotten to visit anywhere but Fonda, Albany and Lebanon for Dirt Tracks... I'll have to make it a point to get up there this year.
              thunder mountain in Whitney point NY, 5 mile point in Kirkwood NY, Penn can in Susquehanna pa, are all good dirt tracks in the Binghamton NY area. great car counts, tons of diehard fans, and great owners/ promoters. I think you would love all of them. that area is where I grew up and learned the difference between a successful track and a sinking ship.


              • #82

                Capital idea. Ironic though.

                Perhaps a little suggestion here and there floated--then left alone-- occasionally would have been/still could be more effective.

                Plus--welding skills, photography skills, how to hang a body, how to get springs in the ballpark for a given track, and on and on... there is much to "give" away to help at the micro (not macro) level--and let those that can dig it pick it up. Or not.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Roger Mashburn View Post
                  The only pavement option I have left near me is New Smyrna and outside of SpeedWeeks and the Governor's Cup I have a hard time getting any of my casual race fan friends to go. Why? Car counts. .
                  Sadly it has been that way for 20+ years.Always the same conversation with a different person in the stands,"where are the cars?"

                  Awesome facility,Nascar sanctioned,2 exits down 95 from the World Center Of Racing,40 cars in the pits,,,Hello,anyone see a problem here?

                  As I have stated before,NSS is completely content with their weekly program.Nothing could be said to convince me otherwise.


                  • #84
                    The positives at NSS:

                    >You can count on the place being there, the purses being paid, the lights working, the pulled pork sammich being good.

                    >They are getting new grandstands. Not only nice in their own right, but they indicate the financial viability of the track.

                    >You can pull into the place and run your car. If the fast guys are there you may only see them when you are in the pits, but nonetheless, it is far better than your car being on jackstands and you being at a social event with wine and cheese and polite laughter. If you are coming from North Florida, it saves you from pulling to Auburndale.

                    >The World Series of Stock Car Racing. A unique deal, a "big time" deal, and it has been going on--and again can be counted on--for decades.
                    Last edited by OldSchool+; 06-25-2015, 05:33 AM.

