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pavement- we are down to 5 tracks

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  • #61
    I am not unaware of your points, nor do I disagree with them, and nor do I make stuff up.

    I too shoot straight, and you are whizzing into the wrong side of a flex fan, unless, of course, you are directly addressing a track operator that is open to your repetitive point.

    And I am not sure about the rest of "Florida", but I am not accepting blame for nuttin'. I been handing the Nerone's of the world my money forever, and am proud to help
    Last edited by OldSchool+; 06-23-2015, 03:22 PM.


    • #62
      Honestly it gets old Phil. I'm from S Fla, born and raised, but I've spent time all over including up North in Pennsyltucky and NJ, spent time in Memphis and California, even been to a dirt track in Hawaii and I've been on this board since it's inception. I'm to the point where I just skip over your posts. It's not that you're wrong but it seems to me like you believe you have all these groundbreaking ideas that no one else has ever thought of and you can't believe we're not all rushing to support you. Truth is you're the latest in a long line of people who have done exactly the same thing on this very board.

      Surprise we get it, you're right, yes we know, of course, I know, Yep, I would too, they are, they should, seems silly, that would work, that's true.

      In a way you seem like the people bashing OSW and it gets old.

      Take yes for an answer. Now what?
      Last edited by Lurkin; 06-23-2015, 04:59 PM.


      • #63
        Missing the whole point

        The biggest thing causing low turn outs of fans in Florida is "No Show for the Fans". As a fan , you come to see a race, not a follow the leader show. As a racer ,you come to win. What you don't understand is, This is a show. You must give the fan something to watch. Make them feel good about the money that they are spending. Half of the racers don't want heat races. Fast cars don't want to start in the rear. You get upset if someone gets too close to you. As racers, you need to stop crying about evey little thing and race,before it's too late. Tell the track that you would like a 4 week handicap, like it use to be.Tell them that you want to start the main the same way that you started the heat. Tell them that you want to put on a show.Tell them that it's time to step it up alittle. On nites that you time,no less then half of the cars should be inverted. Let the F/Q pull a pill for starting halfway back and to the rear. Give points to the top 5,just like the heat race. Lets make it a show again!


        • #64
          From the "Would you please just shut up" department.


          You are the MAN!
          Post of the Year buddy! (so far)

          You didn't just hit the nail on the head. You smacked it out the other side of the board! (pun intended)

          THANK YOU!



          • #65
            Oh wait this just came barreling in to the news department, it's show now, holy shit I never knew.


            • #66
              Aight, point made gents. Probably he now knows we gots it. Let's not kick the feller much more...

              Instead, maybe we can be gracious in our Southern Hospitality.

              It will all be okay, Phillip, how 'bout a nice big bowl of grits & gravy?


              • #67
                Skip all the posts you want, I really don't care. You know I am 100% on point. I'm not the only one saying these things, I am the only one who doesn't sugar coat it. You guys don't get it, and that's fine. You've been lulled into a sense of believing what you have going on is the way it has to be. It DOESN'T and that's what I am trying to get through. One of your biggest advocates for saving FL racing, Scott has absolutely thrown in the towel and is tired of trying to help you narrow minded people and now I too am at that point.

                You guys can hold each others dicks and say oh he made the post of the year cause he slammed me. Does it bother me? No. I got thick skin. I can take whatever you got. What does bother me is that you guys are fine with letting your sport fail. 8 tracks to 5 in less than a month... What's next? All these tracks down there are on borrowed time in one way or another unless they start getting cars and fans in the pits. The overhead to run a track is far too high especially for these guys leasing tracks, to maintain for very long the way things are.

                I'll do you all a favor since it's like talking to a wall anyway. Since you don't want any help, I'm out! As Scott said in a previous post, the toilet is circling... Time is running out.


                • #68
                  "Half of the racers don't want heat races. Fast cars don't want to start in the rear. You get upset if someone gets too close to you. As racers, you need to stop crying about evey little thing and..."--xracer

                  Agreed, but again, it is really the track operators appeasing the racers, instead of (figuratively speaking) giving them the cone.

                  In the track operators defense, they may be looking at a back gate as more sizable than the front gate, & therefore the drivers and teams are the real "customers", but I would suggest it is a small shot in the arm on the way down.

                  If you think your business can weather it, make them run cars that are affordable, and run hard for the win.

                  Never mind the north, historically that is what has worked.


                  • #69
                    Phil quits again. How many times will we hear this ? He will be back very shortly. LOL !


                    • #70
                      Nobody skips yours, or anyone else's posts Phil. Your loudest critics make sure to read every word of every one of your posts.
                      Keep posting. Some of these people have to be reminded every now and then that this is a message board, and every post is equally important. Even the constant gibberish from OldSchool. The fact that some people disagree with your views means you're going in the right direction. You want to see racing survive, and you express your views on how that can happen. In addition, you're currently involved with a track that seems to be doing better than anything we have in Florida, so you obviously have some important insights to share. So keep sharing.


                      • #71
                        "[PJ] will be back very shortly."--EZ

                        Hope so, he makes me look reasonable!

                        Phil, does this mean you don't want the grits?
                        Last edited by OldSchool+; 06-24-2015, 07:34 AM.


                        • #72
                          Some changes are not good.

                          Sold my asphalt e mod motor yesterday. Great affordable class GONE. My built motor is about $20,000 short of being competitive at my favorite track, so having fun on the shorter tracks, but right now on blocks. Doing other things this summer now...
                          BTW, the e mod motor is going in another e mod.... dirt car..
                          RIP Jack Smith and Kim Brown. Many thanks for all you have done for our sport.


                          • #73
                            Hoping you change your mind, you will be missed in the pits and the stands I am sure at NSS.

                            Auburndale or St Pete may be more fun...


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by xracer54 View Post
                              The biggest thing causing low turn outs of fans in Florida is "No Show for the Fans". As a fan , you come to see a race, not a follow the leader show. As a racer ,you come to win. What you don't understand is, This is a show. You must give the fan something to watch. Make them feel good about the money that they are spending. Half of the racers don't want heat races. Fast cars don't want to start in the rear. You get upset if someone gets too close to you. As racers, you need to stop crying about evey little thing and race,before it's too late. Tell the track that you would like a 4 week handicap, like it use to be.Tell them that you want to start the main the same way that you started the heat. Tell them that you want to put on a show.Tell them that it's time to step it up alittle. On nites that you time,no less then half of the cars should be inverted. Let the F/Q pull a pill for starting halfway back and to the rear. Give points to the top 5,just like the heat race. Lets make it a show again!
                              Lets make it a show again indeed! Careful with this type of thing though, some people might skip over your posts.
                              The track owners and promoters all read this site regularly. Of course they'll say they don't so they can't be accused of ignoring the suggestions of the fans and racers. But they do. And if the obvious is pointed out often enough, they might feel inclined to try and do something to improve the show. Mind you I said they might. I can't help but notice that along with printed programs ( even 1 sheet, 1 color driver lists would be an improvement), fan and driver input at the tracks is largely a thing of the past. So boards like this one are really the only way we're going to reach the owners.


                              • #75
                                Phil's probably reading this thinking "I'll prove EZ wrong and not say a word"

                                LOL ! Damn Yankee aways gotta be right.

                                However, I bet he's foaming at the mouth behind his keyboard ! LOL !

