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100 Lap Modified - Showtime Speedway - April 11

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  • 100 Lap Modified - Showtime Speedway - April 11

    April 11, 2015 - Showtime Speedway presents
    The 4th Annual Florida State Open Wheel Modified Championship

    100 Laps paying $3,500.00 to win. (26 cars will start the main event)

    $1,000.00 in Lap Money.

    Each driver making the field will get a FREE fuel jug courtesy of VP Racing Fuel.

    Impound Race (must qualify on Sticker Tires) purchased from J&L Tires at the Speedway.

    5 gallons of VP racing fuel mandatory

    $50.00 entry fee will be waived if you make a NON Perishable Food Donation to the Pinellas Park Homeless (not just a can of Green Beans, LOL)

    Friday night practice, gates open at 5 pm and practice from 6pm to around 10pm. $10 per person $10 per car.

    We are also working on the Come from the Rear Challenge, $5,000.00 or $10,000.00 what do you think.

    More Details to follow.

    Please post a reply and let us know who all plans on running this great event.

  • #2
    A free plastic jug so you have something to put your mandatory 5 gallon purchase of gas into. Clever, very clever. Now if you'll just give away free wheels to mount the mandatory 4 tire purchase. And a free broom to sweep your rented pit slab.
    Waiving $50 of the entry fee for a food donation to the homeless is a very nice gesture.


    • #3
      "We are also working on the Come from the Rear Challenge, $5,000.00 or $10,000.00 what do you think?"--Rick Day

      Another very nice gesture. Who is not going to answer 10K?

      Re: the rest...they didn't ask what we (including Matt) think (lol).


      • #4
        Originally posted by Matt Albee View Post
        A free plastic jug so you have something to put your mandatory 5 gallon purchase of gas into. Clever, very clever. Now if you'll just give away free wheels to mount the mandatory 4 tire purchase. And a free broom to sweep your rented pit slab.
        Waiving $50 of the entry fee for a food donation to the homeless is a very nice gesture.
        It's a generous purse, and a fuel jug is a nice little deal. Pit slabs are free at Showtime....I'll be buying 10 gallons of fuel for the race, so the mandatory fuel purchase doesn't really bother me....realistically I can get it at the local speed shop for $9.25/gallon and its $10.00/gallon at the track, but when you're spending $100 on fuel, what's another $7 or so?

        I'll be there all weekend...racing The OWM, Legend, and a Mod. Mini. Looking forward to it!

        Oh yeah....let's go for the $10k!
        Last edited by racin24dev; 04-03-2015, 08:49 AM. Reason: $10k


        • #5
          Originally posted by racin24dev View Post
          It's a generous purse, and a fuel jug is a nice little deal. Pit slabs are free at Showtime....I'll be buying 10 gallons of fuel for the race, so the mandatory fuel purchase doesn't really bother me....realistically I can get it at the local speed shop for $9.25/gallon and its $10.00/gallon at the track, but when you're spending $100 on fuel, what's another $7 or so?

          I'll be there all weekend...racing The OWM, Legend, and a Mod. Mini. Looking forward to it!

          Oh yeah....let's go for the $10k!
          Damn! $10 a gallon??? That's about $2 a gallon more than than Desoto i think. And it's $2 a gallon more than the speed shops around here. There's a gas station in St. Pete that only charges $7.85 a gallon. No wonder the purse is good, the racers are paying it.
          $50 worth of gas whether you need it or not, 4 new tires ( $500 or $600 ) whether you need them or not, an entry fee that must be $100 or more since they're giving a $50 discount for canned food. Yeah, i'd say the racers are paying their own purse.


          • #6
            Matt, $10 is cheap... $11.75gal here lol IT SUCKS!!!

            Serious question now... 26 cars start the "main event"

            The leads me to assume that should (for some reason) 40 cars show up, there may be a B main? Or are those other 14 cars sent packing have a nice night do not pass go do not collect $100?


            • #7
              1/2 A answer:


              26 is a lot of modifieds down here...

              That said, in the past the $10K bonus was an insurance policy that Yoho took out (smart, eh?), and a minimum number of cars had to start to "qualify" the policy.

              26 may be that number.

              26 is also a lot of cars on that track.

              Seems like they have qualifying and then maybe a consi that lets a few more race in.

              Fly down, this should be a good-un.

              YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by OldSchool+ View Post

                26 is a lot of modifieds down here...

                That said, in the past the $10K bonus was an insurance policy that Yoho took out (smart, eh?), and a minimum number of cars had to start to "qualify" the policy.

                26 may be that number.

                26 is also a lot of cars on that track.

                Seems like they have qualifying and then maybe a consi that lets a few more race in.

                Fly down, this should be a good-un.

                YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!!
                I feel like you believe I am suggesting I say start all cars that show. That is not the case at all. But, I do believe that if there are more than 8 cars left over after qualifying, there should be a B main event. I know 26 is a lot of modifieds for FL, but you NEVER know what is going to come out of the woodworks not matter where you are for a big money event. Hell last year we had 3 10k to win Open Mod races and nearly 40 showed up for each. This year they are expecting upwards of 60-70!!! For a few years, we struggled to get 25 cars on the WMT and 15 in an SK race at some tracks, now things have exploded in the past few years and there are cars coming from everywhere including ones we haven't seen in almost 10 years! lol

                If there are 2 or 3 guys who fail to qualify, send em home with a pat on the back and an attaboy. But if you somehow pull enough cars to run a B main event. Run it. My question was simply do they have plan for such an event should it happen. There is always that possibility.


                • #9
                  Oh and, our race season starts next Friday. No trips to FL for me until the mid season break in July. I am still ridiculously behind on my car so I need to keep plugging away at that too. Ran out of money lol That's Racin! haha


                  • #10
                    you did notice the "1/2 A answer" part...?

                    Try to be a man of my word.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Matt Albee View Post
                      Damn! $10 a gallon??? That's about $2 a gallon more than than Desoto i think. And it's $2 a gallon more than the speed shops around here. There's a gas station in St. Pete that only charges $7.85 a gallon. No wonder the purse is good, the racers are paying it.
                      $50 worth of gas whether you need it or not, 4 new tires ( $500 or $600 ) whether you need them or not, an entry fee that must be $100 or more since they're giving a $50 discount for canned food. Yeah, i'd say the racers are paying their own purse.
                      Go buy a car and let your pockets endure the cost, if not then shut the fuck up already. You're beating a dead horse that has kicked you in your vagina more than twice.

                      Starting and parking is the reason for fuel and tire purchases. That way the can weed out the serious racers from the ones who come to make a quick buck should there not be a full field by making two laps at the back and collecting the start money, hence the reason why mandatory purchases are only made when there is a big race. Is it really that hard for you to comprehend?

                      Phil, most of the big Mod races will always have B mains because they draw 30+ cars. They won't start more than 26 because Showtime just isn't big enough for that. They did it at Desoto a few years back for and Eddie Brann memorial and they started all 34 cars that were there. But based on how many crashes there were, I don't think they will ever make that mistake again. However, this race itself paid $4500 to win last year and they only had 15 cars. I'm really not sure on what an educated guess on how many will be there is, but based on what I've seen on Facebook, I'm venturing to guess there will be 20-25 there.


                      • #12
                        So that's what an "impound race" is! From the description, i thought it meant a "bend over race". By forcing the racers to purchase 4 new tires and gas, you're able to weed out the start and park cars huh? If i had to make something up, i don't think i could have done it as well as you did.
                        If i had an owm, i'd have to leave it parked rather than spend $1000 just to be allowed on the property. I'll leave the racing to women like you that have plenty of money.


                        • #13
                          Thx for reminding me, it's almost lunch time!

                          IMO, a silly protest. The guys with the cars/trailers/bux can make a decision to go or not go.

                          Now IF there were no cars, it could be argued that the price of admission hurt the car count. Clearly, if 200 cars show up, Yoho could have gotten more per car. But it is all neither here nor there...

                          All "is it right" discussions aside, the place will be packed with cars. Those guys will have decided it is equitable, just as I will decide that the gasoline to run a V8 200 miles, dinner and the tickets was worth it.

                          Already have made my decision.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Matt Albee View Post
                            So that's what an "impound race" is! From the description, i thought it meant a "bend over race". By forcing the racers to purchase 4 new tires and gas, you're able to weed out the start and park cars huh? If i had to make something up, i don't think i could have done it as well as you did.
                            If i had an owm, i'd have to leave it parked rather than spend $1000 just to be allowed on the property. I'll leave the racing to women like you that have plenty of money.
                            You spend your money how you want to spend it and I'll spend mine how I want to spend it.

                            Until the money is coming out of your pocket, you have no reason to bitch and moan and knock the tracks that are taking care of the racers you come and pay to watch.

                            I'm just tired of whiney bitches like you CONSTANTLY complaining about shit that really doesnt effect you whatsoever. I'd be more than happy to invite you and pay your admission to this race and you can come down and I can explain the economics of all of this to you with pop up books and crayon drawings since you don't seem to grasp it otherwise.


                            • #15
                              econ 101

                              JC--Let me take a swing/guess at the mindset here.

                              I pretty much explained capitalism in my last post. That is, how many widgets can I sell @$1 vs how many @ $3 and what nets the most coin?

                              That is Yohos end.

                              The consumer, racer in this case, decides whether to consume or not. If he/them all consume, the track does well, if not, well...not.

                              BUT THESE DAYS, everyone with one dollar more that I have is a villain. From the oil companies to Walmart to folks celebrating Passover, if they are successful that just isn't "fair".

                              And there is always a straw argument (IE "them") to stay cranked up about.

                              Ironically, we are trading our freedom and potential future for the promise of "fairness", but like a lottery ticket, what you actually get is LESS than capitalism can provide.

                              Swell, huh?

