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Circus County Speedway 8/23/14

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  • Circus County Speedway 8/23/14

    Ah, where do I begin??
    After all the Sh*t from 8/9/14 race results with the BS getting bent over in tech, to now "the icing has been placed on the cake".

    I go to the track (as a spectator) bring my figure 8 car for my friend to race and let my "young grasshopper's" mom race it in Powder Puff as well.
    The only reason I was there in the first place is because I made these commitments prior to the 8/9/14 fiasco and if anyone knows me, knows when my word is given, its good. Camaro is hangin' out at the shop.

    I go to the drivers meeting, keep my mouth shut, do nothing more than smile at the rants of a promoter that is battling to keep his composure throughout this. Handful of papers like they mean something. He starts with social media is ruining his track, kept stating he wasn't mentioning any names but kept glaring at me.

    He reads from his rule book about the track reserves the right to tech inspect any car for any reason to which in front of everyone asks me if I think this is funny. Which I said yes, I do. He starts in on the posts on facebook and Karnac (he's not mentioning any names) that it's been posted his Techman has a Hornet, Mini Stock and a LM that race at the track he is the Techman. (Which is all true.) I think that's why the previous Techman left because he was not allowed to do that.

    That we are all whiners and complainers, that it started with the 3 car last year and is now about the 8 car (for the record, none of the 3 SS that race together has ever "thrown the other under the bus". It has always been the SS racers that haven't even brought their cars there yet this year, crying and complaining.

    The only thing the 3 of us have ever complained about was how he's running us into the ground and caused all the animosity we have on himself.

    He tries to justify why he made the rule changes about the SS heads (which are better than the heads on Sportsman's btw) to get more SS cars from Bradenton, Showtime and Bronson to his track. Really???
    He boasted about how he and Bronson Speedway will be working together and change the schedule so cars from either track will go to the other with making these changes. How it's heaven sent and all will be roses.

    It gets brought up in the drivers meeting about the Techman going behind the promoters back and threatening 3 A-Dale SS cars that were coming to race (also in the 8/9/14 race results post). That "He's now the Techman there now and to bring it on!!!".
    Laplant says he's talked to them and over rode what Darren Allegedly said. Funny thing is: When a call was made to these drivers while we were at the track, they have never heard from Laplant and as a matter of fact when they were on the phone right then, Darren was handed the phone to clear it all up and set the record straight and prove we were liars, he would not take the phone and walked away.
    The A-Dale racers were ever so happy to forward the private messages along which I'll try and get posted for everyone. Very interesting conversation In these private messages.......

    Laplant tells me to load my sh*t and leave, I'm banned for life and to take everyone that came with me too (about 13 people). We pull out the gate, park outside the fence to which he expends more time and energy worrying about what we're doing and getting the Sheriffs Dept involved than running a racetrack with rain coming.
    He see's the lightning and the storm's brewing, what does he do? He lollygags around, takes an intermission, allows 1 fan participation car make about 5 laps, worries if the cops have thrown us off the right of way yet and screws the Sportsman's (The premier division for the night) (18 of them), he tells them he's not putting on another 50 lap Sportsman rain date race. He got out of paying any of those guys and gals for their time, trouble and $$.

    Luckily we left the area before the hurricane hit. Had a great time after that. My phone blew up again and I had strangers come up to me at the track and say to me "WOW" about the drivers meeting..... (that was before I left the property).

    So there you go Gary, print this, it will help you keep your stories straight. May want to print Darren a copy too.....

    "Twisted Sister" SS #48

  • #2
    Wanted to make a correction, CCS just posted 30 minutes ago the rainout dates for classes that didn't get to run. Sportsman's make up date is 9/6. The rest are next weekend. Hope he honors their wristband and slab fee...... Probably not.
    Good luck guys/gals, go take what little $$ he has left......


    • #3
      I was not there so this is simply one mans opinion. When the track management chooses to rant and rail at the participants you are on a course towards the end of the line. Do not for a second think that the people you are criticizing realize it is them of who you speak. Rather it is more likely your perceived troublemaker thinks it is the other guy and it is the other guy who feels he is being wrongly treated. End result you have missed both groups and spent a lot of time making a bunch of guys who came to have fun feel like they aren't even wanted. Your success begins with a loyal group of appreciated participants. I watched one of the finest go kart facilities go straight into oblivion from just this type of behavior. Good luck turning this around.


      • #4
        A turd circling the drain....

        Gary never fails to amaze me....he is growing stupidier by the day. Dora, I am not surprised at all when you factor in his past criminal record and history of running race tracks. The one thing that does surprise me is the fact that he gave your money back....with all the bad checks he has written and people he owes money that would have came in handy The tech man, Laplant and the other minions are all compulsive liars and shady characters. They have taken the best track in Florida and turned it into a ghost town.

        What I find hilarious is the fact that he is blaming "social media" for his troubles. Laplant reminds me of Obama, its always someone else's fault and he didn't know anything about it....hell, they could be brothers! I personally think that the turd is circling the drain and it won't be much longer before he is gone, but it would be great to see the racers cone together as a group and send him down the road sooner than later. The solution is simple....park your cars or take them somewhere else until he goes broke.
        Nathan Florian


        • #5
          It really is a crying shame. I live 5 minutes from there, I started my racing "hobby/obsession" there in 2011.
          I do realize that every track has their "bag of particular BS", just like people.
          Having said that, my particular "bag of BS" would probably be: I'm a free thinking white woman that is not afraid to stand up for what she feels is right and will say it out loud.
          I have raced at 2 other tracks, One that I have had a very positive experience and 1 that was a huge "circle jerk".
          I guess it's a matter of which one to pick to keep you happy. After all, isn't that what were out here trying to do? Have FUN, be around like minded people and enjoy the ride of life?

          I have worked through the ranks from being a "Non-Drivin-Bi*ch" to being a true competitor. There is nothing like it.
          I have a Street Stock and a SS Figure 8 car, started them both there.
          Good luck everyone.
          As for me, I'm goin' Racin Boys......................

          "Twisted Sister"
          SS #48


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dora Thorne View Post
            Ah, where do I begin??
            After all the Sh*t from 8/9/14 race results with the BS getting bent over in tech, to now "the icing has been placed on the cake".

            I go to the track (as a spectator) bring my figure 8 car for my friend to race and let my "young grasshopper's" mom race it in Powder Puff as well.
            The only reason I was there in the first place is because I made these commitments prior to the 8/9/14 fiasco and if anyone knows me, knows when my word is given, its good. Camaro is hangin' out at the shop.

            I go to the drivers meeting, keep my mouth shut, do nothing more than smile at the rants of a promoter that is battling to keep his composure throughout this. Handful of papers like they mean something. He starts with social media is ruining his track, kept stating he wasn't mentioning any names but kept glaring at me.

            He reads from his rule book about the track reserves the right to tech inspect any car for any reason to which in front of everyone asks me if I think this is funny. Which I said yes, I do. He starts in on the posts on facebook and Karnac (he's not mentioning any names) that it's been posted his Techman has a Hornet, Mini Stock and a LM that race at the track he is the Techman. (Which is all true.) I think that's why the previous Techman left because he was not allowed to do that.

            That we are all whiners and complainers, that it started with the 3 car last year and is now about the 8 car (for the record, none of the 3 SS that race together has ever "thrown the other under the bus". It has always been the SS racers that haven't even brought their cars there yet this year, crying and complaining.

            The only thing the 3 of us have ever complained about was how he's running us into the ground and caused all the animosity we have on himself.

            He tries to justify why he made the rule changes about the SS heads (which are better than the heads on Sportsman's btw) to get more SS cars from Bradenton, Showtime and Bronson to his track. Really???
            He boasted about how he and Bronson Speedway will be working together and change the schedule so cars from either track will go to the other with making these changes. How it's heaven sent and all will be roses.

            It gets brought up in the drivers meeting about the Techman going behind the promoters back and threatening 3 A-Dale SS cars that were coming to race (also in the 8/9/14 race results post). That "He's now the Techman there now and to bring it on!!!".
            Laplant says he's talked to them and over rode what Darren Allegedly said. Funny thing is: When a call was made to these drivers while we were at the track, they have never heard from Laplant and as a matter of fact when they were on the phone right then, Darren was handed the phone to clear it all up and set the record straight and prove we were liars, he would not take the phone and walked away.
            The A-Dale racers were ever so happy to forward the private messages along which I'll try and get posted for everyone. Very interesting conversation In these private messages.......

            Laplant tells me to load my sh*t and leave, I'm banned for life and to take everyone that came with me too (about 13 people). We pull out the gate, park outside the fence to which he expends more time and energy worrying about what we're doing and getting the Sheriffs Dept involved than running a racetrack with rain coming.
            He see's the lightning and the storm's brewing, what does he do? He lollygags around, takes an intermission, allows 1 fan participation car make about 5 laps, worries if the cops have thrown us off the right of way yet and screws the Sportsman's (The premier division for the night) (18 of them), he tells them he's not putting on another 50 lap Sportsman rain date race. He got out of paying any of those guys and gals for their time, trouble and $$.

            Luckily we left the area before the hurricane hit. Had a great time after that. My phone blew up again and I had strangers come up to me at the track and say to me "WOW" about the drivers meeting..... (that was before I left the property).

            So there you go Gary, print this, it will help you keep your stories straight. May want to print Darren a copy too.....

            "Twisted Sister" SS #48
            Seems strange you would go to the drivers meeting if you weren't driving. You knew Gary would be there, what did you think ( or hope ) was going to happen????

            I also notice a giant gap in the proceedings, one second there's some sort of phone call, and suddenly you're told to leave.

            If you're not happy racing at Citrus, don't go to Citrus. There's other tracks to choose from. I happen to think Gary and friends are making a mess of what used to be a pretty good race track. That's why i'm not going there.
            Move on, find another place to race.


            • #7
              ^^^^ why we dont like the races anymore^^^^^^^^


              • #8
                I have registered cars there, why wouldn't I go to the drivers meeting?
                One of my cars was registered in two different classes by other drivers that night... I am a car owner of 2 cars. I also was curious to see what type of antics and BS he was going to say, he didn't disappoint me either........
                Talk about gaps?
                I was told to leave just after the drivers meeting and the SS/PS meeting that came after that...... Before I even came out of the stands I was told to leave and never come back. Several things transpired with several different people while we were loading up. We were there for about an hour after told to leave. That's when phone calls were made......and the decline to prove us wrong... You might want to read the post again..... And Yes, I am going race at other tracks.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Matt Albee View Post
                  Seems strange you would go to the drivers meeting if you weren't driving. You knew Gary would be there, what did you think ( or hope ) was going to happen????

                  I also notice a giant gap in the proceedings, one second there's some sort of phone call, and suddenly you're told to leave.

                  If you're not happy racing at Citrus, don't go to Citrus. There's other tracks to choose from. I happen to think Gary and friends are making a mess of what used to be a pretty good race track. That's why i'm not going there.
                  Move on, find another place to race.
                  She promised someone that they could drive her car that night. I know Dora very well and can assure you that's the only reason she went. As far as the drivers meeting, my guess would be she went with the person driving her car to answer any questions they may have had.
                  Nathan Florian


                  • #10
                    One of the basic rules in running a business, is to "identify and fire bad customers"

                    Not all customers are good to have. If you spent the last 2 weeks trash talking me and my business, I would also have you load up your stuff and vamoose from my property.

                    I originally agreed that it appears you got singled out for the Tech issues. I don't blame you for being pissed about it.

                    But you never let it drop. You turned into a bad customer.

                    You deserved to be fired.


                    • #11

                      I don't know any of these people, but my main question is, why did Dora not just pull the heads off when tech was requesting it? (From the previous week).



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by katlizy View Post
                        ^^^^ why we dont like the races anymore^^^^^^^^
                        Until this guy is gone, its going to continue. Its really sad that he has destroyed the local track up here.
                        Nathan Florian


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Frasson118 View Post
                          One of the basic rules in running a business, is to "identify and fire bad customers"

                          Not all customers are good to have. If you spent the last 2 weeks trash talking me and my business, I would also have you load up your stuff and vamoose from my property.

                          I originally agreed that it appears you got singled out for the Tech issues. I don't blame you for being pissed about it.

                          But you never let it drop. You turned into a bad customer.

                          You deserved to be fired.

                          Have you been up to CCS lately Frasson118?
                          Nathan Florian


                          • #14
                            Earlier this year. Not lately though.

                            As a pissed off customer, you have every right to say so. As a pissed off business owner, he has every right to say Get Off My Property. I'm not defending that Gary is right, but I am saying that Dora handled things wrong and SHOULD have been ordered to leave. Like it or not, it is HIS sandbox, and has every right to decide who does and who doesn't het to play in it.

                            Don Nerone and I have had problems for years, and if he ever winds up in charge of a track again, he'd be a fool to let me in.... and I TOTALLY understand why he wouldn't want me there. Dora needs to understand that with Gary.


                            • #15
                              Jay-sus.... it's not just Dora Thorne. There has to be at least 20 drivers that have departed CCS in the past year. Many fans are just as disgusted as the drivers. The stands are half empty most nights. A class that fans loved (SS) has been decimated. Yes, it is his racetrack, and he will soon have it all to himself. Good luck paying the bills.

