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Modified question

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  • Modified question

    What kind of fan do you modified guys run, if any? We are having some cooling issues and are trying to sort thru them, would appreciate any help, thanks!
    Joe Jacalone

  • #2
    4 blade fan keep it close to rad. and you wont have anymore problems(steel)


    • #3
      I run the 4 blade plastic fan about an inch and a half away from the radiator and have never had a problem.


      • #4
        What nose do you have on the modified? We spent the whole year trying to cool our motor, son spent a ton of money, two different high dollar water pumps, three aluminum radiators, two single pass and one double pass, two different reduction pullys, a 20% and a 30% reduction, added surge tank higher than motor and radiator, small restrictors, no restrictor, nice fan shroud, no shroud, 4 blade plastic and a 4 blade steel fan, IT WAS THE STUPID NOSE. We had one of those molded plastic three piece noses that are suppose to be so good, took it off, built a nice slope nose from aluminum, bottom open 3 inchs all the way across the bottom about 24 or 26 inchs and now we have to tape the grill openning come night fall. IT WAS THE STUPID FANCY TRICK NOSE

