Is the best way to check cam lift at the valve with a dial indicator? If so is the reading on the dial indicator your actual lift or do you have to do some sort of equation>
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true cam lift
Cam lift answer
If you measure on the top of the valve spring retainer till the valve is fully open that will give you your total lift. If you have a hyd lifter in the system then you will be short on the full true reading as a hyd lifter will compress some as you open the valve when the engine is not running and full oil pressure is not in the lifter.
If you are measuring on the push rod then you have to know the rocker ratio and multiply that times the lift you measured. The same applies if you are measuring on the cam lobe. Example is a .340 lobe or push rod lift with a 1.5 ratio rocker ( .340 x 1.5 = .510 lift ) gives .510 in full lift. *Note if measuring on the push rod or lobe you have to deduct how much clearance between the rocker arm and top of valve if you are using a solid lifter cam. Example is if you measure on the rocker arm and get .500in lift and you have a solid cam set with .020 clearance, deduct this from the .500 and you get .480 total lift at the valve. This is the quick basics for you to get an idea on your lift. You will probably be .010 - .020 off but will get you close enough to have and idea what your lift is.
Good luck,Iwyn