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XXX XXXXXX Should Write a Book

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  • XXX XXXXXX Should Write a Book

    I for one think our Mr. Jim Fenton should write a book.

    He has had quite a life... some good, some bad, some very very bad, but everything he writes makes people want to read every word.

    His young life was going great, he was winning races left and right, no one could touch him (or would really want to). His family was his other great success - a wife and two children, he had the american dream going on. His racing talents were being duplicated by his young son "JC" who was winning race after race, championship after championship (just like Dad).
    Tragedy struck and put everything on hold - JC had been hit be a hit and run driver - was in a coma for months and lost alot of his young abilities and had to re-learn so many things from scratch (some never to be the same again).
    Jim Fenton withdrew from racing for a period of time only to return for a short time. Things would never be the same again.

    Jim and his family have taken what was dealt to them, moved on the best anyone could, and are involved with some great things to this day.

    I am sure a book by Jim Fenton would be a great seller, I'd like to be the first in line to buy a copy and I am MORE than sure there are many many others out there that feel the same as I do.

    I respected him when he was the hot shoe in the FOUR, but more and more as I read his writings. Never did I think the Jim Fenton of old would EVER be the Jim Fenton of today - I am proud to know him.

    How do others feel?
    Thank a Police Officer for what they do........... OSF:

  • #2
    Well I never met him personally until at the Blast last year, but in the 70s saw him at the Gate and Sunshine winning a lot of races. I was impressed with his driving skills and thought I would never want to get on his bad side just because of this height.

    Well since meeting him and talking to him just a little here and there since the Blast and hearing about what he and his family has gone through over the years and still looking forward is what I would call a family with many hearts beating as one.

    And I would be the second one inline for the book OSF!!!
    Ricky Smallwood


    • #3
      I'll take Two, I'd love to hear some of the stories that Jim isn't able to post on this board, the chapters about Bud Mckee and Kenny Faircloth could fill 1/2 a book by themselves.
      Doug Wachtel


      • #4
        Originally posted by Old Sunshine Fan View Post
        How do others feel?
        I have a job where I get to meet lots and lots of people with stories to tell about their lives and plenty of them at some point write a book about themselves. I can honestly say that Jim's stories are as good if not better than 90% of those people AND he has a brilliant turn of phrase and way of developing his story so you stay gripped right to the end. I honestly think a memoir by Jim Fenton, done in the right way, could end up as an incredibly important historical document as it captures a big part of Florida (and American in general) culture from the inside while also giving an insight in to just what really went on back then as this sport developed. Give me an hour of listening to Jim tell his stories over what that 'Madhouse' show is developing into every time!
        Last edited by Andy S; 01-18-2010, 08:24 PM.


        • #5
          I'll place an advance order...

          I'll take 5 myself....this is the best idea I've seen in a long time.



          • #6
            I had the pleasure of racing against, or I should say being in the same race as Jim for a few years. I never got to know him back then. Over the past year I have. I feel like he is completely different than I assumed, when he raced. He is a very smart man, but more than that, is his caring and his compassion.

            I believe it would take one book for his racing experiences and at least another for the rest of his life.

            Trash in Turn 4 - Bud McKee and Kenny Faircloth stories would surely each take a book. That era of racers were a breed of their own as I can attest to in my Dad.

            Thanks for this thread OSF. I too am proud to be able to say I know Jim Fenton.


            • #7
              I don’t quite know what to say here guys.

              I am very humbled and overwhelmed by these posts.

              Believe it or not I do try to keep my stories, commentary, etc. about my racing (or life) experiences limited and out of the main stream of things here because I know it’s old news and could be considered akin to going to someone’s house and being treated to their family album which to some would be the epitome of boring.

              I have been associated or linked to many adjectives in my life but ‘boring’ has never been one of them and I sure don’t want to start now.

              I have always felt honored to be affiliated with the racing fraternity even though my actual participation was but a little drop of water in a big pond compared to some.

              I appreciate the new friends I've made here since I started posting a few years back on the old board. I also look forward to meeting those of you I haven’t had the chance to meet yet maybe in some of the upcoming events as well as revisiting some of the old times with those I have met or know from the past.

              …..but for now..

              Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

              “Mama always told me not to look into the eyes of the sun, but mama, that's where the fun is”
              ~ Manfred Mann ~


              • #8
                I agree...

                Jim is one of the finest men i have met in racing and i am very fond of JC... he always has the most beautiful smile and warm hug... i too would buy a book.
                God bless and keep Jim and JC safe and happy and above all healthy! I m so proud and honored to call you my friend.


                • #9
                  i really want to hear his wifes side she was 1 of many of my babysitters during my younger years she has the real mud trust me yes fenton did it she put up with it lol dont lie jimmy you know iam right but with that said i want a few copies
                  Last edited by crobinson76; 05-21-2010, 08:40 PM.

