To all the drivers and fans at Punta Gorda Speedway, formly known as Charlotte County Motorsports Park, I regret
to announce that I have decided to resign from the speedway. It was not an easy decision, as this has been my
home track since opening 20 years ago. I would like to thank all the drivers, fans, go-karters and fellow employees
over the many years, that have made my job so enjoyable. I will miss every single one of you and I would like to
wish Mr. Chase and Mr. Williams the best of luck with your new business. I will still be in the racing business,
and will be announcing at the Hendry County Motorsports Park for Ken Kinney Jr.
Sinercerly, your announcer,
Jason Beckner
to announce that I have decided to resign from the speedway. It was not an easy decision, as this has been my
home track since opening 20 years ago. I would like to thank all the drivers, fans, go-karters and fellow employees
over the many years, that have made my job so enjoyable. I will miss every single one of you and I would like to
wish Mr. Chase and Mr. Williams the best of luck with your new business. I will still be in the racing business,
and will be announcing at the Hendry County Motorsports Park for Ken Kinney Jr.
Sinercerly, your announcer,
Jason Beckner