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FASCAR Tire Change

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  • FASCAR Tire Change

    FASCAR Officials have officially announced a Tire Change for the following divisions...
    Super Stocks
    The new tire is a 8" treaded Hoosier #S650 and will be available for purchase beginning May 7th at Orlando Speedworld and May 8th at New Smyrna Speedway.

    The purpose of this change is to help teams by providing a tire that will last considerably longer than the one currently in use. Although the cost per tire is $3.00 higher, the duration of use is expected to save Drivers/Teams a considerable amount of money in the long run.

    The new tire will be mandatory for all cars/trucks in the above divisions at both Orlando Speedworld and New Smyrna Speedway effective June 1, 2010. SPORTSMAN will be madatory by the May 22nd 50 lap race (see below).

    If you have newly purchased tires and would like to return them in order to purchase the new treaded tire, Donnie Nerone will accept them at his discretion based on what is acceptable to Hoosier. Only tires that are new/unused and unaltered in any manner will be accepted, again, at the discretion of Donnie Nerone based on the manufacturer's criteria.

    If you have any questions regarding returning tires, or purchasing new tires, please contact Donnie Nerone Services, LLC at 386-663-5113.
    Last edited by Mark Keeler; 05-12-2010, 12:22 PM.
    Mark Keeler
    Operations Manager

  • #2
    Will Sportsmen drivers from other tracks have to use this tire in your May 22 Sportsmen race?


    • #3

      Originally posted by Rick Williamson View Post
      Will Sportsmen drivers from other tracks have to use this tire in your May 22 Sportsmen race?
      I'm no official and don't want to be but the way I read the post about the sportsman race it said something like this. NSS sportsman must run NSS approved tires. From other tracks you can run what that track approves. Soo I presume anyone on 10" tires, from another track will have to add weight??? Thats the way I understood it, who knows??


      • #4
        The answer !

        NSS & OSW are the only ones using 10"tires, all other tracks use 8" treaded tires already. This is an open 8" treaded tire race, the rules are for other things such as intakes, engine stuff, shocks etc.
        Rick Bristol
        Marketing/Promotions Manager
        Auburndale Speedway


        • #5

          Originally posted by Rick B. View Post
          NSS & OSW are the only ones using 10"tires, all other tracks use 8" treaded tires already. This is an open 8" treaded tire race, the rules are for other things such as intakes, engine stuff, shocks etc.
          LOTS of tire sales!!! How much does THAT have to do with it??


          • #6
            tuna are you retarded or always this slow? i been reading you post on here and the other thread on this. nss and osw (were) the only tracks running 10 inch tires on sportsmans. now they have went to 8 inch tires like everyone else. it has nothing to do with tire sales and big money teams.they have done what most sportsman drivers i know wanted them to do so we can get more cars to the track. i have friends at other tracks that might come out and run at nss or osw because they can use there tire and still be able to keep up.now the only ones that have to buy the new tire are all the nss and osw regs that run all the time.plus most of the winning fascar sportsmans buy new tires for 50 lappers so what is the diff.
            and as far as adding weight some tracks run diff engine rules and if needed they will add weight to even the playing field.
            i for one would rather see this race at osw on friday so cars from auburndale and citrus could make it


            • #7
              Originally posted by ss29 View Post
              plus most of the winning fascar sportsmans buy new tires for 50 lappers so what is the diff.
              we aint bought new tires for the sportsman in two years


              • #8
                I can tell you that the 111 and the 23 have not bought new tires for a long time and I am pretty sure the 20 (who blistered the field) did not buy new tires for atleast the last 50 lapper.

                Here is the problem. I know NSS is trying to get more cars and in order to do that they have finally figured out what the NSS SPortsman Drivers have been trying to tell them for 2 years. They need to have the same rules (Southern Sportsman) as everyother track. The issue is that instead of doing this over the off season and allowing drivers to accumalate the 8in wheels and maybe sell their 10 in wheels and get their cars all set up for 10 in wheels etc....they do it in May. Now the faithful (Iknow not many) racers at both NSS and OSW now have to spend a 1000 dollars for wheels and tires (you have to have at least 6 wheels and some kind of spare tires so 6 new tires if not 8 of everything) if they want to race at the track that they have been supporting all along and the other track cars that decide to race don't have to change anything but maybe add a little weight.

                IF the braintrust (and i use that lightly) would listen to their racers and be decent enough to make changes in the off season so people can prepare and spread out the cost over a few months, not days, they may have a little better support than the 30 - 40 cars that show up each week.

                The payout is very good. They had the same payout at the last 50 lapper but no one knew about it until they got to the pay window. If they would have just posted that , they probably would have gotten a few more of the regulars out.

                Just my 2 cents


                • #9

                  Originally posted by ss29 View Post
                  tuna are you retarded or always this slow? i been reading you post on here and the other thread on this. nss and osw (were) the only tracks running 10 inch tires on sportsmans. now they have went to 8 inch tires like everyone else. it has nothing to do with tire sales and big money teams.they have done what most sportsman drivers i know wanted them to do so we can get more cars to the track. i have friends at other tracks that might come out and run at nss or osw because they can use there tire and still be able to keep up.now the only ones that have to buy the new tire are all the nss and osw regs that run all the time.plus most of the winning fascar sportsmans buy new tires for 50 lappers so what is the diff.
                  and as far as adding weight some tracks run diff engine rules and if needed they will add weight to even the playing field.
                  i for one would rather see this race at osw on friday so cars from auburndale and citrus could make it
                  well I'll tell you what, seeings how I'm retarded as you said, lets see how many "new cars" they get at NSS. Like I said, I know of 2 that will not be back because they can't afford the approx $1000 it will cost the first week to buy tires and wheels. The rule should NOT change in the middle of theyear. Maybe you think nothing of dumping $1000 into tires and wheels, good for you! As far as calling me retarded, theres no need of that. Who do you think you are anyhow??? IDIOT!!!


                  • #10

                    i agree with you that its not the best timing for the change...but i will say its a change that needed to be made.i have never had a new set of tires so i never spent that kind of money... the tire change wasnt made to make money as you want to say.as far as getting more cars i think it will. maybe not for this race but in the long run.as i said before it would have been better to run this race at osw friday cuz guys running for points at auburndale and citrus wont make the trip if there class is running.
                    its does suck for some a friend of mine just put a car back together bought new wheels and tires i just hope they take his tires back so he can get the new ones...also who do you know not coming back cause of the tire change???cuz every place that runs sportmans run 8 inch tires so i guess they wont be racing anymore.


                    • #11
                      LOTS of tire sales!!! How much does THAT have to do with it??

                      i think it has more to do with Columbia County chewing up a set of tires almost every race. a couple of the drivers up there have gone in the wall because they put new tires down.

                      whether or not OSW/NSS could wait, i suspect that Day was going to change tire no matter what.

                      The rule should NOT change in the middle of theyear.

                      how long have we been "crying" about that now?

                      As far as calling me retarded, theres no need of that.

                      i thought this was the warm, safe, happy fun place board where the nattering nabobs of negativity were afraid to roam?
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                      • #12

                        As far as calling me retarded, theres no need of that.

                        i thought this was the warm, safe, happy fun place board where the nattering nabobs of negativity were afraid to roam? [/QUOTE]

                        haha todd you know if i have something to say i will just say it.and your right about lake city they really needed a new tire
                        anyways sorry i forgot you didnt need new ti.res to run with 3 to 4 cars on a good night lol. it could have been on better timing but they needed to do something to save the class otherwise it was going to be dropped.let hope this change will work


                        • #13
                          The tire change was needed at CMP. As noted before, 2 races on the right side tires is a killer.
                          Now if CMP had done something 'stupid' and switched to 10" tires like NSS and OSW, I would have parked it(and sveral others said they would as well).
                          Rick Day made the right choice to go to the grooved Hoozier 8". Time will tell on the tire. I'm buying my first set tomorrow night.
                          RIP Jack Smith and Kim Brown. Many thanks for all you have done for our sport.


                          • #14
                            proof I'm not retarded!

                            Originally posted by ss29 View Post
                            i agree with you that its not the best timing for the change...but i will say its a change that needed to be made.i have never had a new set of tires so i never spent that kind of money... the tire change wasnt made to make money as you want to say.as far as getting more cars i think it will. maybe not for this race but in the long run.as i said before it would have been better to run this race at osw friday cuz guys running for points at auburndale and citrus wont make the trip if there class is running.
                            its does suck for some a friend of mine just put a car back together bought new wheels and tires i just hope they take his tires back so he can get the new ones...also who do you know not coming back cause of the tire change???cuz every place that runs sportmans run 8 inch tires so i guess they wont be racing anymore.
                            If you think I'm rearded enough to give you other peoples names , you're wrong. They have called the track and asked fpr the race administrator and told me he won't call them back. As far as not racing anyplace else if you read my post, they are selling their cars so i doubt they want to run anyplace else. If its not at least partly about selling tires why won't the track sell them for cost, just to get everyone set up? Oh, if you want to bet me $100 i don't know 2 that wont be back send me an IM. I agree with you, maybe the change to 8" tires will help, I don't know the pay-out at other tracks, (beside Orlando) but am told others pay a lot more, so I really doubt this will bring many here from other tracks. The fact remains, this should not of happened in the middle of the yr.


                            • #15

                              Originally posted by Todd McCreary View Post
                              LOTS of tire sales!!! How much does THAT have to do with it??

                              i think it has more to do with Columbia County chewing up a set of tires almost every race. a couple of the drivers up there have gone in the wall because they put new tires down.

                              whether or not OSW/NSS could wait, i suspect that Day was going to change tire no matter what.

                              The rule should NOT change in the middle of theyear.

                              how long have we been "crying" about that now?

                              As far as calling me retarded, theres no need of that.

                              i thought this was the warm, safe, happy fun place board where the nattering nabobs of negativity were afraid to roam?
                              I know you're trying, but you're still not a enlightened and witty as Boneman. Trying doesn't reflect well on you!

