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Grand Slam Results!!!!

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  • Grand Slam Results!!!!

    The first leg of the Grand Slam Of Truck Races was won by Jason Howell driving the number 1 truck. Congratulations to Eddie, Jason and the rest of the race team. I personally want to thank all 16 truck teams for their support. I also want to thank the staff and owners of Auburndale Speedway for allowing us to use this great facility to put on the first leg of the Grand Slam. I also want to let everyone know, so that no rumors get started, the payout guarantee was $1,000 for 20 or more trucks. Well you ask you only had 16 what was the payout? Rex Guy and Auburndale stood up and paid the entire posted payout. Yes the winner still took home $1,000. I also want to say no we didn't have the quantity of trucks that we expected, however we did have the quality of trucks that we expected. Once again I want to thank everyone and every team for their support. Truck teams get ready for round two of the Grand Slam of Trucks on May 16th. Thanks Ronnie

  • #2
    Good job to the owners of Auburndale for paying the full pay out but I'm wondering where all the trucks were? There has to be more then 50 teams out there. Maybe more advertising and promotions? Maybe it had to do with who was promoting it? Lots of questions any answers? What was the full run down? Auburndales web site sucks when it comes to updates.


    • #3
      It was very nice to see AMF Chassis step up and pay a fast time award. Good night of racing put on by Auburndale speedway just wish more truck racers would have showed up to race.


      • #4
        Why do you always have a negative comment when you post about Auburndale's Web site. The web master can only post when I send him the results from the races. I happen to have been sick Sunday and could not get the results to him early. We had a really good night of racing with a lot of quality drivers on hand, and yes we do advertise our shows, but there is so much going on that people sometimes have other family obligations that they have to take care of. We have been having a good turn out this year of cars and drivers. We have a lot of drivers returning to the track that used to race and quit for there own personal reason, but have come back to their home track. Why don't you come out and visit one Saturday Night.

