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too much CCMP!

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  • too much CCMP!

    Come on Bobby, you are choking this board. No other topics are appearing besides press releases from your track.

    Yes, we are interested in the goings on at CCMP, and we hope things go well, but can you find a balance regarding the number of postings?


  • #2
    Hey Boney Marony!!!!

    if bobby wasnt posting we would be post deprived! no one is showing any interest in what their tracks are doing. Bobby is working his a$$ off trying to promote his . now tell me... what is wrong with that? at least he has some enthusiasm....
    We have an ASA race this weekend not to mention races fri, sat, and OW on sunday. its alot to get excited about.
    luv ya anyways...


    • #3
      Boneman - Did you see the picture at the bottom of the thread about Greg Roeback's interview next week?

      You might change your mind about wanting LESS posts about CCMP.


      • #4
        Yeah BM, WTF, this should be in the complainers corner.


        • #5
          Can't fault the guy for what he does... As far as I know he's the only promoter on here pushing his track right now... From looking at the race reports, the car counts are nothing to shout about, but no one has really started the season off with a huge bang on asphalt... Citrus started off terrible... just 10 LM for the purse they pay?... Auburndale has been doing pretty good but unless you live in the area you don't hear much about them this year... Dirt tracks doing OK... East Bay and Ocala have had pretty good starts and the show at Volusia last week was very good... Hope CMP has a great year... just too far of a drive for me...


          • #6
            I may be outnumbered, but I am still right!

            So you don't think posting can be overdone. Remember when OSW would put out post after post saying something like "Speedworld welcomes Lefty Turner to the pits"? That was definitely over-doing things, and I think that is what happening now.

            Agreed, Bobby is trying hard, and is succeeding on presenting varied and interesting shows. A little fine-tuning on the message board use is all I was asking for.

            Edm, I learned all my whining skills from you!



            • #7
              I feel like all the tracks should be doing what Bobby is doing. And if their fan count and car counts are down. Well this is some of the reason why it is down. If people don't know about it they can't plan on coming to see it.


              • #8
                Sorry about trying to survive.

                It's hard to try to get out as much information out that we have. But, I know every time I put something on, it gets put on this site other sites. Some not so nice, but as Big E would say "Just Spell my Name Right". They seem to even mis-spell that every now and then. I hope you can put up with me. Again it just one of the most read boards.
                Sorry But thanks again.
                Bobby Diehl


                • #9
                  To much I agree junk this nonsense.
                  I MAY BE SLOW ... BUT I'M AHEAD OF YOU


                  • #10
                    I agree with Boneman. The people who visit this message board aren't the ones who need to be beat over the head about CCMP news every 5 minutes. I appreciate the enthusiasm and effort but the people who need to be PT Barnum'd are not on this board.

                    If I may quote Joe Friday, "The facts. Just the facts."


                    • #11

                      CCMP may soon be the only asphalt track on the West Coast of Florida. If it is Its cause Bobby is working his BUNN'S OFF to make it happen. Rex it may get overbearing to you but hopefully some will read it and flock to ccmp. Last week we had over 100 cars in the pits and the stands were pretty well full. The only real draw we had was a wheely doing firetruck, and that may have brought a few but the rest came to see racing and that they did. This board is probably the most read board, with the exception of the 4M dirt late model board. I have made a post on there and 45min to an hour my post is on page 2. Thats happened several times. Bob...


                      • #12
                        not to mention...

                        we can always skip over what we dont want to read.
                        i think bobby gets a little OVER exuberant too but id much rather watch him do cart wheels than wonder if he cares. i KNOW bobby cares. its his bread and butter! his soul... please dont take the wind out of his sails ... its what keeps him motivated. i know he gets silly. so what? at least he isnt a cruel bast@rd like some of the others.


                        • #13
                          WWWAAAYYY too many posts Mr. Diehl . Its nice to advertise , but you're going way overboard here . I agree with Boneman , you're clogging the board . Making an announcement is fine , but starting a new thread for the same topic just to have your name on the board as often as possible is a little irritating for some of us . This is a good board , i'm sure announcements you make here get read and get results . But it seems that you rely on this board for all of your advertising .


                          • #14
                            Something to keep in mind - the more you post about every little thing, the more people are going to glaze over it as, "just another of the hundreds of CCMP posts," and get burned out on it and not read it.

                            I appreciate Mr. Diehl's enthusiasm, but lately the posts have been out of control.

                            It almost reminds me of the time when OSW was creating a thread for every late model that pulled into the pits for a Sunbelt Show. Good to know, and we all asked for what late models show up for the touring races, but it could have been accomplished in one thread.
                            www.FloridaSprintCarFans.com - because Florida sprint car racing needs all the help it can get...


                            • #15
                              Bobby Diehl !!!

                              Take a nap! rofllllll you are out of control... you make the pink bunny look like hes on downers!
                              Tripper does have a point... if people see too many posts, they will just ignore them and it just MIGHT be something they havent read that is important...
                              its all constructive criticism. might be worth listening too but for goodness sake... dont lose your enthusiasm! just jump and dance. dont type! roflllllllll these people already know whats going on at CCMP!!!! its the people out on the streets who need to know...
                              ya know i luv ya bobby...
                              Last edited by carolwicks; 03-11-2009, 02:49 PM.

