Today is the day you turn one. I hope you have a wonderful first birthday sweetie filled with lots of love. Hopefully this next year will be much better for you since this year has seen you in the hospital way too many times.
Ganma Jane
P.S. Kaiden is doing okay. The doctors have told us he cannot have any more antibotics since he has had too many and any more could cause a bacteria blood disorder. He still has breathing treatments 4 times daily and is with me usually 4 days a week. He is cutting his first two teeth and not very happy and keeps us up alot at night but he still gives us that smile that could and does melt your heart. Hopefully this next year will not see him in the hospital as much as we have seen him in there this week. It has not been easy for him but God gave us this little angel to love and that we do.
Ganma Jane
P.S. Kaiden is doing okay. The doctors have told us he cannot have any more antibotics since he has had too many and any more could cause a bacteria blood disorder. He still has breathing treatments 4 times daily and is with me usually 4 days a week. He is cutting his first two teeth and not very happy and keeps us up alot at night but he still gives us that smile that could and does melt your heart. Hopefully this next year will not see him in the hospital as much as we have seen him in there this week. It has not been easy for him but God gave us this little angel to love and that we do.