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Just wanted to take a moment to again say thanks !!!!!

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  • Just wanted to take a moment to again say thanks !!!!!

    Just wanted to again say thanks to all the drivers, crews and fans that attended the 3rd Annual Charity Truckers 200 weekend. Again special thanks to the main sponsors Fountain Motorsports Driver Development, and Biscayne Roofing. Thanks again to Bruns Inc. General Contractors, Tampa Bay Truck Wash Center, Coulter Motorsports, Aarons, Webbs Commercial Services and to all the award and lap sponsors including many laps bought by Ramm Transport Inc. ( 75 Laps ) and GODSPEAKS.com ( 25 laps ), Mario Romay Racing who finished the last 15 laps we needed. I want to thank all the volunteer officials that gave of their time to work hard and make it go off so well. Special thanks to Robert Hart for allowing us to do this at Orlando Speedworld and to Rusty Marcus and Don Nerone who sat and listened to my idea 31/2 years ago and gave their blessing and help to get it up and going.
    To my close friends Butch, Barbara and Chad Pierce who are on my board of directors and to Eric Reynolds for all his extra help. And to my family I could not do it without you all, and the inspiration you give me. To the Hopkins, Helmicks, and now the Pate family, thanks for allowing us to be a part of your lives and sharing Tommy, Kaleigh and Lacey with us. I could not end without thanking my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for allowing me to do this, for allowing me the blessing of getting to know so many wonderful people.
    I really want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and may God Bless you for your care !

    Rick Bristol
    Rick Bristol
    Marketing/Promotions Manager
    Auburndale Speedway

  • #2

    You do a GREAT thing for all the RIGHT reasons. God bless you and your family. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a healthy, happy 2009.

    Always, Jane

