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  • H~a~p~p~y...t~h~a~n~k~s~g~i~v~i~n~g...!!!!!

    I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and hope you enjoy a wonderful meal with those you love.
    I am forever greatful for all of you. You have filled a huge void in my life and your friendships and hugs mean more to me than you could imagine.
    Times are tough for some of you. Some have lost loved ones, have lost your homes, businesses, jobs, and some suffer illnesses... for you I pray so hard... it hurts me when you are hurt.
    But i trust in God. He will get us thru the tough times.
    Hope to see you all soon and until then God bless and keep you safe.
    My love always,
    carolwicks aka OZZIE

  • #2
    Happy Thanksgiving to you Carol. I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow with your family. We will have Kaiden tomorrow for Thanksgiving and my brother and his wife. Only ones missing are Kimber, Michael, Makayla, Nathan and my only newphew Matthew who lives in L.A. and they won't give him time off to come to Florida.

    Patrick D. Smith Day was last Saturday at Forever, Florida and dad was able to go and sign books non-stop for 5 hours (no oxygen). Rick sold out all his books and dad was still amazed at how many people love his books and come to see him. Rick said they had a fairly good crowd and it was a nice day for dad. But I was thrilled that dad did go and had a good time.




    • #3

      Carol Thanks for the email and I wanted to say All the way from Baghdad Iraq a very Thanksgiving to everyone in the United States. Will be home soon to catch up on some racing til then I will duck and dive around the streets of Baghdad.. Be good Paul

