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To Jerry Binner about IFR....

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  • To Jerry Binner about IFR....

    hiya Jerry... i talked to Jerry Dostie last night. He will be a guest on Inside Florida Racing this week. He is a good talker and pretty funny.
    The next guest will be Carl Merrill. he was the flagman at Norwood back in the 60's. and check this out... he is the race director and chief steward at Manadnock NOW! imagine being a racing figure for all these years!!! he has a ton of interesting things to talk about. about 50 years worth!
    talk soon...

  • #2
    Is Carl coming to the Reunion? I don't have him on the list yet, but would like to add him in.

    Also see if he could help in any way with contact info for the Monadnock racers. I know that he knows everybody up there, I'd love for him to pass the word around up there!


    • #3

      he is planning on it but really busy... so i hope he will. he will be on IFR the Monday following this one. i talk to him occasionally so i will make sure he lets everyone know. have we made up a flyer yet? will call you soon. been working on puter for 2 days... had a trojan. GRRRRR all fixed now.


      • #4

        Carol, Now THAT'S funny!!!! At your age and still using Trojans!!!!??????


        • #5

          never did and never will... hahaha
          could tell a hysterical story about one of those but id probably be banned for life! hahaha (nothing dirty or gross...just funny)its fun to wake up to a giggle... thanks. starts my day off on the right foot.


          • #6
            Well Carol... you picked up another NEW listener for the radio show this week...

            I called my Dad and ran the Merrill name by him... his exact words were "Holy s**t... he's older than I am... is he still alive?"...

            My dad drove the Fire Truck at Norwood in the 60's... so now I have to send him a link to the show so he can listen in!
            Mark Keeler
            Operations Manager


            • #7
              about Carl

              now remember...he cant be on this week... 10/27/08... he is visiting family in Delaware..he said he will come on the following week. im sure your dad remembers jerry dostie... he will be on Monday and is ALOT of fun.
              Carl is amazing. wait til you hear... he is also an alderman in his home town of Newton, Mass.!!! its really hard to get ahold of him as he stays so busy... so listen in anyways! always a good show. lots of surprises every week on IFR !
              carolwicks aka OZZIE


              • #8
                Newton is my neck of the woods... next town over actually!

                Keep us (me) posted on the guest lineup and I will get him to tune in!
                Mark Keeler
                Operations Manager

