any one have any pictures of 41 late model and tornado in 69 &70 crunch crouch& dave osteen . lost all mine in house fire. dave41.
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golden gate
Golden Gate
I have one picture of the late model breaking an axle and spinning between one & two. I don't know who the wheel man was that night but in the picture he was just along for the ride. I think my Dad drove that car a couple of times, however I think it was prior to '69 or '70. Call me at 352.246.3536. I remember going to Clarence's shop in Tampa in the 60's with my Dad and if memory serves me correct it was on Florida or Nebraska Ave. Maybe north of Busch Blvd.
Mike McGinty
41 late
maybe 68 ,we changed from 409 to 427 .back then new block with pistons,rings &pins only cost 489.00. black & gold 59 chev. wrecked in labor day race.changed over 62 chev . can't remember what phil diaz number was. gate used to give us free tickets for wives.