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Refresh Race Track 101

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  • Refresh Race Track 101

    From my misadventure to purchase a track.
    Lets IGNORE the price just say Financed for 30 years.
    Monthly Payment $4,500.00 (12 months a year)
    Lights Monthly $1,200.00
    Insurance Monthly $3,600.00
    Water, Sewer, Phone $350.00
    Those are FIXED and do not change but a little on the lights and utilities.

    Now lets open the gates:
    Workers, most tracks about 40 to 45. Either you pay them for a good job or they just want to help.
    Safety about $250.00
    Running Dirt? Track prep man, fuel and upkeep, you will break things, $800.00 per night. Remember that you work on a dirt track about 4 days a week to run one.
    Pavement: House clean and fuel your equipment.
    Now you need to ADVANCE the cash for the Food $1,400 to $2,000 average for a big track $1.50 for the small ones.
    You also need to pay for:
    Tickets you sell, advertisement printed, TV, Radio OR just hope someone comes.
    ALL of the above is if you RUN or NOT because of weather.
    I am not getting into the purse, awards, and general upkeep of the track.
    Next time you want to hang a track owner think about these numbers. Now a PROMOTER is another person since he has not a vested interest in the property itself. This is why Earl Baltis, Redd up in Screven and Lindy Vicari and Jerry Fried back in the day where so good and successful their BUTT was on the line if the show was good or bad.

  • #2
    ahhh I was wondering..

    I was wondering when this may come in handy... I was a business consultant for quite awhile and I have created, gone through, and also worked with a couple track owners and buyers on tracks..... if anyone is interested I am sure I can run a set of financials out to show everyone what it actually costs to run and/or own a track...

    hmmm and here I thought my biz experience was a waste....


    have a great night all...
    Duane Kelley


    • #3
      Well How do my numbers look to you!


      • #4
        Well let's see with those numbers... You have got roughly $16,000 a month in expenses, giving a little bit over the top for extras... Not including your salary and/or profit... Mind you that is also with the owner as the manager/marketer... If you are looking into adding those people, then you must add several thousand on top of that number....

        So to break even, you need at least 1,600 people to enter your track as fans at $10.00 a head... Now mind you that is just figuring on entry and no one purchasing any food... Normally food is a decent markup if you have good food.... Say you make $1,000 profit per night on food... Just to be conservative... And you may make a couple of hundred on other goodies if you have anything in your shop... Now that doesn't take into consideration, any entry fees, or anything else...

        Now if you want, I can dig out and do a good set of numbers for you... Please keep in mind that that doesn't even add in the costs if anything breaks down, facility expenses, trophies (that you have to pay for ahead of time), or anything else like paper, or toilet paper, or hmmm how about speedway improvements...

        Now considering that you need at the minimum of 400 on average per night(4 nights per month), to enter... Ok we also live with mother nature so, take for example a month or so ago... when we had rain outs two or three weeks in a row... You also have to have carrying costs covered in case of those little things...

        Honestly, one must look at it in a business way as well as for the love of racing... In the business way, it is a hard slow way to make money... for the love of racing, it is awesome, just too be part of something that allows people to do something that they love...

        Now keep in mind, I am not saying that you can't make money, but one must be frugal and one must also be a hell of a marketer/manager to keep it going.... You also have to keep in the back of your head that you can get (hopefully) local sponsors to help you with facility improvement and race marketing, etc. etc. Again though it takes time and money and persistence and a hell of alot of doorr knocking....

        One other thing too think of, this is just a quick two minute run down... I can do a good number set if anyone would really like to see honest to god financials...


        Have a great day....

        Hmm maybe I will sit down and work on some financials later... Hey does anybody need a former business guy that is looking for work... Experienced in development, consulting, management, construction, welding, racing, and racecar building... Oh not too mention a hell of a sales and marketing guy....
        I am available...
        Last edited by flraceguy; 10-02-2008, 09:54 AM. Reason: Had to throw a couple more comments into the mix....
        Duane Kelley


        • #5
          My wife and I had a racers plan as we called it. Since we did not need to make a penny at the track we where going to pay ourselves $10.00 per entry and everything else going into the track.
          Grandstands where simple $10.00 to park your car and $2.00 to get in the track as a fan.
          Back gate was $20.00 and no entry fee.
          The purse was to be SOLD to sponsors for the night or year per class. We had 3 corporate sponsors that where NEVER in racing to go along with us. They each would of had a night of Champions for there company.
          The set back was just a bunch of BS that happened toward the end of the deal.
          I guess when you work 9 to 5 and THEN try and run a race track it is hard to understand that a business can run a race track if the business is big enough to take the start-up hit.
          The OLD TRACK MATH was 10-1 every race car was 10 in the stands.
          The missing things at the tracks of today are:
          FAN CLUBS for the drivers, talk about people getting into it!
          MEET AND GREET by the drivers BEFORE the show. One driver from each class to press flesh and sign does wonders.
          Advertisement with the PT BARNUM FLAIR: You remember the posters with STOCK CAR RACING, THRILLS AND CHILLS etc.
          In the old days a flip on Saturday printed in the paper was an extra couple of hundred in the stands.
          The real dollars that we had budgeted for a weekly show was $18,000.00. That would have made us the highest paying track in the area.
          We expected a $5,000.00 per night average LOSS till we got the operations smooth and the fans hooked on us.
          Rain was planned as a Sunday, twi light show, OR run Friday and Saturday the following week. Then alternate plan "B" was based on when the rains came. Total Wash out was Plan "A" got the heats in then "2" features in all classes the next week. Start off with the rain out then a FULL show. NO HEATS RUN then the next week we run the "2" features lined up by draw, pay that show since the guys paid for it already, then 50% off the pits and run the complete show for that night. We would take the hit not them because of rain. You lose your butt at first but then they get the message that you are willing to work with them and all works out in the end.
          Non of this will ever happen since my wife and I have lost the desire to do this for now.


          • #6
            hey George

            I would love to sit down with you sometime and chat track with you.. when is the next time you will be coming up to NSS..

            by the way, when I was doing research for the turn around and consulting and the purchases. we did driver interviews and polls of current and inactive drivers. one of the biggest things they mentioned was not the cost of racing and entry, but that none of the classes paid enough to help offset things.... and quite frankly, they also said that it wasn't really the prize money or amount of such, it was the principal of it.. they (the drivers) work really hard to get ready and offer a great show and they would like some thanks and gratitude..

            Actually Rusty is doing the little car shows in Titusville which is a great free marketing tool.. if more promoters/managers/owners would work to do things like that.... alternating locations, etc... they would find more and better attendance after a little while...

            now enough of that, it seems tbat I went off to another tangent.. again free promotions at track sponsors are a great thing...

            have a good day...
            Duane Kelley


            • #7
              Well, I am up in Aiken S.C. and been TRYING to get to a show in Florida all year. Be in Orange Park Fl this weekend for an OPERA for Saturday and Sunday night. Daughter is an opera singer, me, I just catch 40 or tape it.


              • #8
                Originally posted by georgep View Post
                Well, I am up in Aiken S.C. and been TRYING to get to a show in Florida all year. Be in Orange Park Fl this weekend for an OPERA for Saturday and Sunday night. Daughter is an opera singer, me, I just catch 40 or tape it.
                well jeepers man pop on over to NSS on Saturday eve...

                I know it is a tough thing to do, but it would be great too see you down.. it should be a darn good show this weekend at NSS... with OSW shut down to circle stuff I am hoping to see a bunch of the osw drivers over..

                thankfully the car count has been coming up at NSW... so I think it should be a really good weekend..

                looking forward to seeing and hearing from you... hey let me know what's up Sunday would love to see a good performance...

                give me a buzz when you get down tomorrow or Saturday... you are just around the corner from the track...
                Last edited by flraceguy; 10-02-2008, 09:33 PM.
                Duane Kelley


                • #9
                  The opera is at UNF in Jacksonville with an 8:00 pm Green flag. No clue what it is called I just drive and be QUIT or take video or pictures. With an 8:00 pm on Sunday will head back up to SC EARLY Monday.

