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DESOTO looking to go back to the future

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  • DESOTO looking to go back to the future

    DESOTO Speedway looking to go back to the future, I would like to hold a meeting at the track with all drivers,fans,race teams ect on a Wednesday night .

    I’m just kicking this Idea around,my plan is to rock the Florida Short Track world at the Best Track in the state ,hands down. I know I can do it,but we need all of your support period before you loose Desoto Speedway.

    Here is a little taste of what I was thinking of doing to help all drivers , fans,crews.

    Pit entry 20.00,front gate open 12.00,All Tires prices 10.00 over my cost ,lower all food and drinks .i would need lots of volunteers to help the track operations and help with sponsors.This will be a 20 race season from February to July 4.

    Hopefully I will see a great turn out in a couple weeks to talk about it to make up my mine to see if we can revive DESOTO from all the damage Denny and Shari did to Your Track ! Thanks for all your time John .

  • #2

    cannot make it on wednesday. but i am on board to support desoto speedway 98 sportsman


    • #3
      Ok, saved from the bulldozers! At least for now.

      "Back to the future" is an interesting concept. As thankful as I am to be racing there again, I have to remind us that the future will not look like the past. I am sure they will be looking forward with the rules and classes, since not event he antique racing clubs can draw full fields of Monte Carlos and Chevelles.

      I saw that someone made a comment on Facebook to not pave the track. I agree! It is bumpy during yellow flags etc..., but I don't even notice it when the green is out. A weathered surface like that keeps drivers busy, and sometimes new pavement hooks everyone up and the races turn into parades.

      Spend all that paving money on things that matter more: bathrooms, safe grandstands, PA, concessions etc...



      • #4
        I am on the east coast so can't won't be able to make a mid week meeting but I will do what I can to support the track.
        Thanks for the interest and effort of trying to get it started back up.

        Billy Tokes
        Last edited by rpm racing engines; 04-09-2018, 01:56 PM.


        • #5
          I think most area racers are really hoping to see the place open again, with or without new paving. I know i am. And there are ways of making the existing surface work, Renegade Racing Fuels has a traction compound that works great.
          Rex is correct about maybe spending the money on other things at the start.
          Renegade Racing Fuels of Florida/Palmdale Oil Company


          • #6
            Desoto Speedway meeting will be This Wednesday at Desoto Speedway April 18 at 7:00 pm,hope to see drivers From 417 and showtime don’t be shy. See ya at the best Track in the state .


            • #7

              I don't know if you remember having a conversation with me on the phone a little over a year ago but I wish you success moving forward.I for one will support the track but nowadays only from the grandstand side of it.I know how you feel about the place and rightfully so.Bring it back to where it once was.And if I can make one suggestion it would be a big Supermodified event around speedweeks in February when the crowd is here in Florida to support it being a success.


              • #8
                Notes from last night DESOTO Speedway

                Here’s some notes from today’s meeting:

                $20 pit entry
                Tires will be $10 above John’s cost

                No trophy nightly- no points fund.
                Lower payouts than other tracks.
                Winner in each division will get a jacket

                Lowering $$$ concessions

                Open wheels #1 class. Mods, street stocks, bombers, mini stock, trucks, sportsman, pure stocks. No big races. 25 or 35 laps tops (supers, OWM).

                American racers versus Hoosiers

                Open communication with John. Have a problem, come see him. Don’t talk negatively.

                Total purse for $5 or 6k a night.

                Sprint cars would have to bring their own purse.

                Dave Steele Memorial race $20-40k hoping for 40 to 60 cars or more.

                Rebuild all lights. Will take time. Needs help to get the track back in shape.

                Will not roll the dice with rainouts. 12pm to 1pm will make the call.

                Jan to July - 20 race weekends.
                Trial Sept to Nov 2018 POSSIBLY!
                February 2019 Opening!

                Help to bring bleacher boards.... see Lowe’s or Home Depot! John will provide details and measurements about boards.

                Patching the pavement on the race track.

                Wants to get everyone together to help rebuild the track.

                “Always for the drivers”


                • #9
                  Where”s all the reaction to the meeting at DESOTO

                  It’s really funny that no one has commented on DESOTO meeting, Desoto goes and try’s to help the racers on the back gate and tires prices and we get no response,you people don’t know what you want from the tracks are you all in shock or really don’t know what to say,as for me my phone has been ringing off the hook. See ya at the races ,thanks John


                  • #10

                    you all have complained tracks don't listen, now you sit with mouth and mind closed. up to you to blow it. had to say it.


                    • #11

                      I didn't know if the meeting at the track was just for race teams or not.But since I had talked to you in the past about meeting in Bradenton for lunch sometime I wanted to attend and see how the meeting went.Unfortunately my brother passed away Tuesday afternoon at Manatee Memorial Hospital in Bradenton so I was unable to make it.I wish you luck moving forward and at least hope the meeting was well attended.


                      • #12
                        quote #1 "Don’t talk negatively."--X90

                        quote #2"...you people [who haven't commented regarding Desoto plans] don’t know what you want from the tracks are you all in shock or really don’t know what to say"--X90

                        Well, alrighty then...

                        My $.02--The goals are admirable.

                        >I think the track owner/promoter provides the track and lights and whatnot.

                        >And if the rules, purse and general environment is "welcoming", the racers may choose to show up with cars that they paid for and built with their time.

                        >Further, if the beer is cold, the hot dogs hot, the bathrooms work, and the car count reasonable, spectators may choose to attend Desoto over another venue with part of their paycheck.

                        But those are three groups providing their own piece of the puzzle of their own accord.

                        I would suggest--in advance--any party or group having "expectations" regarding the actions of others could very well be disappointed.
                        Last edited by OldSchool+; 04-20-2018, 02:35 PM.


                        • #13

                          Zerofor--Many condolences on the loss of your brother.

                          "...if I can make one suggestion it would be a big Supermodified event around speedweeks in February"--04

                          Agreed. That place is the place in Florida for supermodifieds, imo. Possibly better than the old paved volusia track, even.

                          Bring the supers, and I will be there (in three hours or so) , for sure.
                          Last edited by OldSchool+; 04-20-2018, 11:45 AM.


                          • #14
                            Thanks Old School it's been a rough week

                            And I will be sitting in the stands tonight at Auburndale knowing for the first time in my 60 years on this earth that I will be there alone with no possibility of any of my family ever being there with me again.---On the subject of Desoto--My brother and I were at A-dale many months back and I talked to Denny Meyer who was there also with a friend of his from New York.I told him the same thing I posted to John.His friend looked at me and said " that's what I have been telling him!" Dennys response was it took too much money to get them down to Florida.....BUT,hook them up with a sprint and open wheel modified show around speedweeks when the people AND race teams are here and sponsor it right...one big time,one time show.
                            Last edited by zerofor; 04-21-2018, 12:56 PM. Reason: double something ..maybe whiskey


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by x90 John Sarppraicone View Post
                              Here’s some notes from today’s meeting

                              Sprint cars would have to bring their own purse.
                              How do you really feel about sprints??? LOL

                              Too funny

