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  • #16
    (84 in Yalaha )


    • #17
      Glad you were ok, looks like a pretty hard lick.
      Joe Jacalone


      • #18
        Originally posted by jacko241 View Post
        Glad you were ok, looks like a pretty hard lick.
        The $2700 custom Lajoie seat with leg supports, Collapsible Steering Column and Hans Device did exactly what I paid for them to do.

        Can't put a price on your life. I went in head on at about 80 and then got melee'd in the right front and right door by 2 cars that couldn't stop.

        ANYONE who doesn't use proper available safety gear like this is an absolute FOOL. I was sore for about a minute, and got a couple bruises but was perfectly fine the next day. If I wasn't properly protected and just had a junk tin seat with no hans and a solid steering shaft, the column collapsed 3" and deflected to the right an inch at that point I would have bashed my face off the wheel and probably broken my neck and without leg supports on the second hit probably would have broken my right femur at least.

        People take safety for granted. I had a GoPro in the car and I barely moved in any of the impacts. The faster you go, the higher the risk. We enter the corners at Thompson around 110mph in a 3100lb car. These things move for what they are.

