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I just got this from Citrus Face Book.

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  • I just got this from Citrus Face Book.

    Face Book
    Citrus County Speedway
    Gary Laplant posted in Citrus County Speedway
    Gary Laplant
    May 15 at 8:46am

    Attention all owners/driver and our great fans

    Some of the staff and some drivers and I have talked over the last 24 hours about the weather that is coming our way this weekend. It is in the best interest of all drivers,fans and the track staff to be safe and not put out in bad weather to driver to the track or back home in a bad storm.

    We have decided to cancel the racing program for Saturday At Citrus County Speedway .

    There still will be open Practice tonight

  • #2
    Some folks worry about everything bad that maybe, sorta, might, woulda, shoulda, and might not happen. Folks like that might think about staying in bed! There is a bit of risk in this world.


    • #3
      Groundpounder owning a track is a bitc......

      When you own a track the weather is the hardest thing you have to deal with. Most average nights the purses are over $20,000.00, plus $2,000++ for employees, insurance $1,150.00, lights $750.00, food spoilage, $1,000.00 advertising on and on........ So do the math. The old saying that the tracks make the brunt off the racers is true, but if it's rains anytime during the day most of the Fans will make other plains. The worst thing is if it rains after time trials. Then all the racers expect to get paid. I know nobody bitc.... when it's a perfect day and the grand stands are packed. Those days aren't the norm. I feel for everyone still in the business. Don 62 told me I needed to buy a track. When the economy was good you didn't need to worry, but now there are very few good nights. So the gamble is how far do you go before pulling the plug. It's a CRAP shoot at best.


      • #4
        A 50% chance of a PASSING Thunderstorm between 5-7 p.m.? WTF?

        Looks like there won't be much racing at CCS this summer if this becomes the status quo.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Groundpounder View Post
          Some folks worry about everything bad that maybe, sorta, might, woulda, shoulda, and might not happen. Folks like that might think about staying in bed! There is a bit of risk in this world.
          I know all racers have different opinions about him calling the races early vs. trying to get the show in.

          From what I see, Citrus is the only track that does this....Citrus is also the track that is struggling the most in our area. Instead of continuously doing this, why not take a chance (as every other track in the state will be doing this weekend). If arm bands are honored as rain checks, and it's obvious that they are doing everything they can to get the races in, then they will earn trust from racers.

          We're considering Taking the OWM and Legend car there on the 30th...that's a lot of preparing between both cars. So if there is a decent chance of rain that weekend, then we may just scratch it and save ourselves some time...


          • #6
            Scotty that's why a lot of track .....

            Scotty that's why a lot of track close from 6/30 till 9/1 every year. How many times have you towed at $4.00 a gallon to only load up and go home. It's a tough business. For everyone.....


            • #7
              I understand that, Bobby, and it's been discussed here a million times that maybe we should arrange the yearly schedule differently. Problem is no one ever does it! However getting the reputation that you won't even try is not helping the car count up there. Look at what Devin wrote. A lot of racers feel that way. Not to dig up the past, but Critter had the reputation of doing everything to get the show in. As a result the car counts were much stronger. I hate towing and getting rained out as much as the next guy. However, I hate not getting a chance to race worse. It's Florida. It's probably going to rain somewhere in the state every day from now through September. Either you are going to make a go of it or just shutter the place until the Fall.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bobby Diehl View Post
                When you own a track the weather is the hardest thing you have to deal with. Most average nights the purses are over $20,000.00, plus $2,000++ for employees, insurance $1,150.00, lights $750.00, food spoilage, $1,000.00 advertising on and on........ So do the math. The old saying that the tracks make the brunt off the racers is true, but if it's rains anytime during the day most of the Fans will make other plains. The worst thing is if it rains after time trials. Then all the racers expect to get paid. I know nobody bitc.... when it's a perfect day and the grand stands are packed. Those days aren't the norm. I feel for everyone still in the business. Don 62 told me I needed to buy a track. When the economy was good you didn't need to worry, but now there are very few good nights. So the gamble is how far do you go before pulling the plug. It's a CRAP shoot at best.

                Just don't do it then...let someone play the game if it's not for you.


                • #9
                  You are right. It's tough....

                  Originally posted by scottgarrity07 View Post
                  I understand that, Bobby, and it's been discussed here a million times that maybe we should arrange the yearly schedule differently. Problem is no one ever does it! However getting the reputation that you won't even try is not helping the car count up there. Look at what Devin wrote. A lot of racers feel that way. Not to dig up the past, but Critter had the reputation of doing everything to get the show in. As a result the car counts were much stronger. I hate towing and getting rained out as much as the next guy. However, I hate not getting a chance to race worse. It's Florida. It's probably going to rain somewhere in the state every day from now through September. Either you are going to make a go of it or just shutter the place until the Fall.
                  You are right. It's tough.... I am so glad I don't have that problem any more. I have been to all the tracks around the west coast (rained out 4 times this year) and no one looks like they can loose money to long when the stands are low fan count on the average nights. Just my thoughts.


                  • #10
                    Heres the way I feel about it.I come from Ohio where the slogan is if you don't like the weather wait 5 minutes.It could do anything possible or nothing at all.When I raced in Ohio in the 70s and 80s your premier classes (mainly late model,sprints,or supermodifieds at that time)ran EVERY week.So it was a gamble for them to travel each night.Now having no idea what Citrus had scheduled this Saturday I will say this.If it is a card filled full of local classes run.What do you really have to lose?You will keep your local fans and racers alike to keep coming out.The top class guys just have to understand the travelling is just part of that gamble called racing.I had posted on here last year trying to make a point to Mr.Laplant if you continue to cancel every time it gets cloudy then you risk becoming out of sight and out of mind to the racers and fans alike.I agree with the three of you that have posted on this thread but hey wtf do any racers,fans or former racers know ?Right?


                    • #11
                      I guess I just remember two of the most long term successful promoters around, the Hills at Sunshine and the Prevatts at East Bay...in a time before social media and cell phones, this kind of "stuff" didn't go on...and guess what? They built very good fan bases and car followings...just saying. THE SAME WEATHER BACK THEN!

                      The promoter up there and his partner spokesperson did the same stuff last year, starting about this time of year. I could see it if Hurricane Babycakes was directly bearing down on hitting the track but...whatever.


                      • #12
                        If ever there was a time for track owners/promoters to unite it is over this subject. Florida tracks should agree to close for June July and August. The rain is a constant threat and when it doesn't rain the heat is ridiculous due to the sunshine. Run 2 seasons and give the competitors a chance to rebuild and regroup during the break. Yes I am 71 and can't tolerate the heat like I could but with reasonable comfort and no threat of rain I would have no qualms about Lake City, Albany and occasionally Ocala. Tallahassee is 2 plus hours from any racing but would gladly endure the travel if I had reasonable assurance of no rain and reasonable heat.


                        • #13
                          Thank you Robt Yoho!

                          St Pete will start drying the track Saturday morning and keep drying it through Saturday evening to get a race in.

                          Like the old Days. Like it should be.

                          As a fan, I want to promote more racing, not less.


                          • #14
                            Rain is the tracks biggest downfall.
                            The rule in the day was at 5:00 You could call the racing for that night if it was raining. If not open the gate and let the baby be born as Clyde would say.
                            The average year was 4 rain outs but I did have 13 one year. The harder you try to get them in in bad weather the more chance you will have to keep a car count.
                            when you get rain out feaver so dies your cars. If it looks like its going to rain then they wont wast there time pulling to the track. after a few we got it in nights they will start showing up in the rain.
                            Rain is just part of the deal. It is still better than cold. These tracks that try to race in the winter have no chance. when its raining it might stop but when its cold at 5:00 its not going to get warmer.

                            Rember its all about the money on both sides..



                            • #15
                              Scott hits the nail on the head. I've said it before also. I was in Inverness today and it poured for maybe 45 minutes or so. Real hard rain that would have put the dampers on a dirt track. But, to the best of my knowledge, it stopped and if they were racing tonight, they could get the races in. The weather is supposed to be the same tomorrow. Maybe slightly less chance of rain. I hear the excuses by the track. Maybe they should be hiring employees who don't have to travel as far. I don't know. But I'm afraid it's the end for the track with Gary.
                              My photo site: http://www.rewingphotos.com

