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Adds To Florida Racing History Web Site

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  • Adds To Florida Racing History Web Site

    Have just added two new albums on the site www.floridastockcars.com (Florida Racing History)... These are photos from the 1975 and 1976 Florida Governor's Cup races held at Golden Gate Speedway in Tampa... Go to the gallery, select the Golden Gate Speedway album and these two imbedded albums are located on page one... ENJOY!
    You can thank the late, great Bobby 5x5 Day for these awesome shots...
    Attached Files
    Last edited by ancrdave; 03-18-2015, 01:02 PM.

  • #2
    Dave, thanks for the pics, my friend.

    Do you have any galleries for the early '70s races? I have some pics from '71 - '73, and might need some help ID'ing some of the drivers.


    • #3
      Photos from the earlier Governor's Cups are spread out on the pages in the rest of the Golden Gate album...


      • #4
        Those are awesome pictures, Dave, thanks for what you do. I would be willing to bet some of those cars were front running late models, and look at how banged up they are, and they look awesome. Now, fast forward to present, and can you imagine any of the top late model teams showing up with cars looking like that? It is a shame in my opinion hobby racing has gotten so far away from it's roots.
        Joe Jacalone

