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So... Who Is Running the NSS Saturday Opener?

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  • So... Who Is Running the NSS Saturday Opener?

    Just getting ready to get my pre-race press release out tomorrow and would like to know who is planning on running the season-opener at New Smyrna Saturday... Please no negative comments about tires etc. as I have nothing to do with that... Just want to put out as many names as I can and give you some publicity... You can let me know here or e-mail at announcerdave@usa.net...
    Thanks a bunch!

    Announcer/PR/General Troublemaker
    Voted "Short Track Announcer of the Year" by "American Pickers"

  • #2
    dave I called around 4 guys I know. 2 of them were E mod. I know your not running them anymore they said they couldn't afford to change motors so they going to run osw at the end of march . and if that don't pan out going to get out of racing sale everything and the other 2 were strictly stock /bombers and they said they are changing there cars to fit the rules to run bomber at Desoto speedway because they get a payout. I might come out if it don't rain . if you hear from anybody please post who it is that is racing that way I can decide if I want to drive down there thanks.


    • #3
      I'll be out with a fresh motor that is better than the e mod motor, but still not up to the HP a regular open mod has. Broke in a set of R-750 tires and I like them after about 30 lap break in. Just looking forward to having some fun like last year.
      RIP Jack Smith and Kim Brown. Many thanks for all you have done for our sport.


      • #4
        Dave, I don't quite have my modified ready, but hope to make the open practice on the 26th, then start racing there some after that.
        Joe Jacalone

