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Now here's an interesting rumor

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  • Now here's an interesting rumor

    Just heard an interesting rumor concerning the South Georgia Motorsports Park. It was grabbed by the law for unpaid taxes i hear. But i also hear that it's being sold on the court house steps to.....wait for it.........Ozzy. Another drag strip/stock car track going to an all drifting all the time format.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Matt Albee View Post
    Just heard an interesting rumor concerning the South Georgia Motorsports Park. It was grabbed by the law for unpaid taxes i hear. But i also hear that it's being sold on the court house steps to.....wait for it.........Ozzy. Another drag strip/stock car track going to an all drifting all the time format.

    Nice try at stirring the pot lol I've also heard in another thread "someone in florida" is interested, but no one anywhere has mentioned Ozzy.
    Last edited by Phil Jacques; 02-04-2015, 03:27 PM.


    • #3
      IF what you say were to be true. Here is the big question... WHO IN FLORIDA REALLY CARES? Is the man not allowed to do what he wants? It's his money after all. Unless he dozed the infield and paved it, he would not be able to do anything with the oval except oval racing or a very strange parking lot. The only place you might be able to do drifting is the parking lot for the drag strip. This site always provides me with a great laugh when it comes to this crap. Thanks Matt lol


      • #4
        Originally posted by Phil Jacques View Post

        Nice try at stirring the pot lol I've also heard in another thread "someone in florida" is interested, but no one anywhere has mentioned Ozzy.
        You might want to check out classracer.com That's where my buddy saw the reference.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Phil Jacques View Post
          IF what you say were to be true. Here is the big question... WHO IN FLORIDA REALLY CARES? Is the man not allowed to do what he wants? It's his money after all. Unless he dozed the infield and paved it, he would not be able to do anything with the oval except oval racing or a very strange parking lot. The only place you might be able to do drifting is the parking lot for the drag strip. This site always provides me with a great laugh when it comes to this crap. Thanks Matt lol
          Our only task in life is to give you a laugh Phil.
          I don't know about people in Florida caring, but out of state folks sure seem to be interested.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Matt Albee View Post
            Our only task in life is to give you a laugh Phil.
            I don't know about people in Florida caring, but out of state folks sure seem to be interested.
            LOL! Maybe I can return the laugh when I get on track down there

            Seriously though I have fun with it too. We all need to be rid of Ozzy, I hope he buys SGMP and leaves OSW. Then maybe Donnie can do his job lmfao


            • #7
              "Here is the big question... WHO IN FLORIDA REALLY CARES? Is the man not allowed to do what he wants? It's his money after all."--Phil-but-that-could-have-been-my-quote

              The rest, of course, is all Classic Phil!


              • #8
                Originally posted by OldSchool+ View Post
                "Here is the big question... WHO IN FLORIDA REALLY CARES? Is the man not allowed to do what he wants? It's his money after all."--Phil-but-that-could-have-been-my-quote

                The rest, of course, is all Classic Phil!


                • #9
                  The circle tracks only chance would be to convert to dirt. The only problem with that is there are at least 4 established dirt tracks within a 100 mile radius currently running and they are doing well because they pair with another track and run their classes on alternate weekends or only run every 2 weeks.


                  • #10
                    dirt = expense, and there ain't no available dough.

                    Asphalt just lays there. You have lights, bathrooms, help, all that, but the track just lies there, week after week.

                    Outside of the considerable cost to rip up the asphalt and bring it the dirt, it needs constant attention. Dirt, clay, water, grading equipment, and someone knowlegable enough to make all that work.


                    • #11
                      Hey matt, we were kind of both right lmfao!

                      Larry Dean bought it, and just sold it off to Ozzy. Asphalt oval racing is dead in GA pretty much anyway, so as much as it does suck to see the track potentially turn into a parking lot, it's not going to hurt anyone.



                      • #12
                        Don't look for it to go dirt either. Much too close to the dragstrip which would get covered with dust. Ozzy isn't gonna piss off a couple hundred drag racers to please a couple dozen oval racers


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Frasson118 View Post
                          Don't look for it to go dirt either. Much too close to the dragstrip which would get covered with dust. Ozzy isn't gonna piss off a couple hundred drag racers to please a couple dozen oval racers
                          You would have likely never seen asphalt oval racing return with any kind of prominence there no matter who owned it. Asphalt for whatever reason has really struggled in GA and with GMP gone and all those teams selling out, I think if I am not mistaken, the only track anywhere near there would be 5 Flags, and I have heard 5 flags hasn't been doing spectacular in past years either though I am sure Lurkin could confirm or deny that more accurately. I haven't been to 5 Flags in at least 10 years.


                          • #14
                            Maybe he will leave Florida. He sure was not good for the oval track. All those empty promises he made when he first took over were nothing but B.S.! Never had any intentions of doing anything with it.


                            • #15
                              If only it were truly that easy dd...

