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youtube of wrecks from pete orr memorial wknd

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  • youtube of wrecks from pete orr memorial wknd

    Saw this on nss twitter feed..

    slm pete orr wreck

    Modified Wreck pete orr

  • #2
    Thanks for sharing!


    • #3
      No problem, I was glad to find the videos as i wasnt sure what started the slm deal, just saw boyd up high right before it broke loose. Looks like Keene slid up and Boyd reacted too late to keep it down. Funny what you see in person and what you think happened versus what a video shows. I would also cut Dickie a little break on that mod deal as the leader seemed to spin the tires or something getting going before he hit him. Now the other times he door slammed guys etc - not too impressed.
      Last edited by bubba; 01-30-2015, 10:12 AM.


      • #4
        For sure the guy in front of Dicky didn't go. I'm not a fan, but that wasn't his fault imo. Kinda sad to see such a fine ride ride tore up. I'm to the point now where I couldn't care less if some kid tears up a beautiful race car anymore. But even though I never saw that one in person I have a feeling there was never a finer mod built...that sucks.
        I believe, and this is based on racing against some old guys, it's their peripheral vision that goes, probably why he may have been chopping people, and I don't know for sure but I would bet he doesn't rely heavily on a spotter, probably never has and never will which may explain it too.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Lurkin View Post
          For sure the guy in front of Dicky didn't go. I'm not a fan, but that wasn't his fault imo. Kinda sad to see such a fine ride ride tore up. I'm to the point now where I couldn't care less if some kid tears up a beautiful race car anymore. But even though I never saw that one in person I have a feeling there was never a finer mod built...that sucks.
          I believe, and this is based on racing against some old guys, it's their peripheral vision that goes, probably why he may have been chopping people, and I don't know for sure but I would bet he doesn't rely heavily on a spotter, probably never has and never will which may explain it too.
          Us 'old guys' have pretty good vision, but the full containment seats restrict the side vision... it does mine anyway. Dicky is the only driver I saw with an open face helmet too. I have moved my mirror to see down the right side of the car, but really to busy sometime to check it. Rely more on the motor sound close to me. Use the left side mirror more during a race to see if the line is clear.. Dicky did lose a beautiful car though..
          RIP Jack Smith and Kim Brown. Many thanks for all you have done for our sport.


          • #6
            I am a longtime Dickie Anderson fan.

            After watching the crash repeatedly it looks to me like the leader spun the tires and Dickie tried to go under him, but his right front tangled up with the other guy's left rear.

            I have to call that one Anderson's deal. He could have lifted, all the way from firing at the green to the scene of the crash.

            Breaks my heart, though. Been wanting to see him for years, was unaware that he was there that night, and now the car will certainly take a while to get back into shape.

            A question--I have seen Dickie race modifieds--and look great as per always--but do you think his primarily late model experience caused him to mis-judge what the open wheels were gonna do?

            Or perhaps a cold track played into both accidents?


            • #7
              Don't really know what the deal was with him, the car was very nice and very fast. I was impressed with his speed after being out of it for so long. Just seemed like he was constantly leaning on people. Which, in a modified, is a something with a limited shelf life. Shame to see it destroyed.


              • #8
                Dicky leaning on people!?


                • #9
                  There was no tire spinning in my opinion......the leader parked because the outside car was ahead of him at the start. seen it hundreds of times, great cars get destroyed over dumb shit.
                  Normalcy is a myth. what is perfectly normal for the Cheetah, Becomes absolute chaos for the Antelope.


                  • #10
                    Benny, True, but what ya gonna do?

                    If you are the outside guy and don't try to get a jump you will be "freight trained" to the back by the low groove.

                    If you are the inside guy and it looks like the outside guy is gonna get a jump that doesn't seem "fair", and you either have to rely on the starter to throw a "lazy green" and then restart--and if he doesn't, you stand to lose a feature that "should" have been yours--or don't fire, forcing the issue.

                    I am in agreement with your comments, but see no way around the issue. All kinda part of the game.

                    Regardless, Dickie's choices were possibly influenced by-- but were independent of-- all that...


                    • #11
                      Death of a (nice) Modified....

                      Well, even now, watching the video you can see both lead cars crossing the restart line side by side. Time to fire. So either Moff's spotter blew it or he himself must of had a brain fade moment and just missed the flag or the go-go pedal....but, being the leader of the race at the time of THIS 40 somethingeth restart....he, of course, had the choice of which lane he wanted. Top or bottom, racers were choosing both all night during each race and doing well in either.

                      Pretty sure there was no wheel spin occurring.
                      Well, until Dickie got too close to drive around him and clipped his ass end when he tried. I imagine the #46 red-lined it then.

                      You had to see the whole race to get a better idea of The Trick's momentous return to the seat. The car looked, ran and just plain smelled fast. It was a beautiful piece. But early on he got tied up with another car (did I mention he made a little contact with other cars) and (IMHO) might have knocked the toe out a little cuz from then on Dickie looked like he was wrasslin' it thru the corners. Still fast, but until a few of the faster guys got taken out by way of crash attrition, it wasn't going to be a podium night for the Circle Track Mag bunch.

                      And that's when they switched on the big magnet drawing in just about every other car that got anywhere near to him up a little closer for some intimate, "personal" attention.

                      It was odd to see him making contact with so many other cars. I hoped that there was indeed, something wrong with the steering and not just some loose linkage between the seat and the wheel. I dunno. Maybe there's something to the LM/Modified differential theory but....I'm skeptical about that. This is Dick Anderson we're talking about. Been there, done that and made the T-shirts that everybody else bought to boot. Of course, maybe there was some miscalculation to the increased left side weight ratio they had to figure into the setup......wait for it....wait for it.....

                      In the end it's a double shame because, yes, he was fast enough (out of the cars that were left in the race) to pull off a "comeback" win.....but even more so because that fine piece of machinery had to be loaded with a wrecker. Or two. We were sitting(standing) in the stands at the point where he impacted with the front end and could really feel it when he hit. Then the ensuing collisions that bent the tail clip and surely bent up that nice, new QC and every control arm attached to it. A quick peek at what wasn't covered up when we walked by after the races showed some serious damage.

                      Glad no one was hurt but these two wrecks and a few others on the night were/are sure to provide some work/profits for a few of the area race shops.

                      Lots of carnage.

                      Gentleman (and ladies if Mom holds the purse strings), START YOUR WALLETS!!!!


                      • #12
                        Welllllllllllll, it was his car. It ain't the first time his car has been loaded on the trailer and he knew how it got there.

                        What has always made Dickie-- and for that matter, Wayne-- thrilling to watch is how close they operate to...the "red mist", and I have seen both go over the line occasionally.

                        That is one of the reasons that I like to watch them run, and Gary Balough and Wayne Jefferson can be included for the same reasons.

                        Granny Tatroe (may she rest in peace) did not raise the same level of excitement...

                        ps--Classic Dickie, win or lose, man. It was a comeback! Am just glad he didn't fade into being off the pace and just driving around, as I have sadly seen others do.
                        Last edited by OldSchool+; 02-02-2015, 04:37 PM.

