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Linda Petty Passes

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  • Linda Petty Passes

    Lynda Petty, wife of Richard Petty, passed away this afternoon... thoughts are with The King and the Petty family... A great lady who did a lot for our sport...
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    Last edited by ancrdave; 03-25-2014, 04:26 PM.

  • #2
    My prayers and thoughts are with Richard, Kyle and the whole Petty family. Our sport has lost another of our unsung heroes who are a vital part of the fabric of our sport.


    • #3
      There would be NO Richard as we know him without Linda. As famous as he was, she always reminded him that he was a Daddy & husband first.

      Somewhat like Threasa Earnhardt in later years, Linda had to keep Richard 'grounded'. Richard wore 'the pants', until he got home.... then Linda was in charge, just like she'd been all week.

      She ran the home, while he ran the career.

      BOTH of them should be proud of the legacy they created.....

      While The King was winning races, Linda was raising a very respectable FAMILY.

      Long Live the Queen of NASCAR ...!

