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Columbia Schedule

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  • Columbia Schedule

    CMP would like to invite any and all Super Late Models to race with us, maybe one of you can beat Jason Garver in the #57, and our Sportsman division has grown and Jeff is the one to beat in it. Columbia Motorsports Park CMP has a schedule on the internet under Columbiamotorsportspark.com and you can go to it to see if we are running the divisions you want to see, it shows all of the weekly shows we have. Our prices have not changed, they are $15/$10 and the only time we charge $20/15 is when the Sunbelt or Goodyear come to the race track. Our back gate has stayed the same for 2 years and will not change. A favorite division at the track is the Hornets. Sorry that you don't care for the little cars with lawnmower motors in them, but they have fans too. We are debating on opening another class, make some suggestions and they will be considered.

  • #2
    Another class?

    Instead of adding another 5-10 car class (except for the hornets before they were split up), wouldn't it be more prudent to pursue having fuller fields of the current classes? IMO, when I go as a fan, I would much prefer to see fewer classes with more cars in each class. If another class is to be added, I would like to see the modifieds come back with a full field.
    just wantin' ta race.....
    Nickel and Dime Racing


    • #3
      Treaded tires on the Mods! There seems to be a lot of support for that idea, and it's obvious that the old rules package was NOT working.

      Over the years there have been quite a few Mods in the Lake City area. I don't know if most have been sold, cut up, or if they are sitting on jackstands all over town.

      Another class of junkers isn't gonna bring more fans in... especially at $15 a head for adults (which is way out of line in the first place for ANY track on a regular night). Admission should not be a penny over $10 for adults. Seniors, students and military should pay less.

      Something that has gone over real well in some places has been $25 carload prices. That WILL put butts in the seats, and also in the line at the concession stands and beer booths. Plus, there's always a few guys watching that will figure "I could do this racing thing myself too". THAT is where your car counts will increase... getting people in the gate in the first place.


      • #4
        PRETTY PLEASE with $ugar on top

        Before planning your next event.....Can Somebody PLEASE give the run down and the points from last weeks truck race.....what IS the hold up ???
        Just another easy to do item that shows the racers and sponsors (read: customers) that the sanctioning body or series management might care.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Results and points are up at fascartours.com under Advance Auto Parts Pro Truck Series. I apologize if they aren't on karnac yet but I got sicker than a dog and haven't felt really good enough to post some things but I will put them there but the points are up on the site and the results.


          • #6

            I agree with Nickle And Dime I think that ya'll should try to get more cars in the classes that we have now. I here from other people the only reason they go to the dirt track cause of more cars and it is cheaper. For the driver's they say the pay is better. I agree with the $25 truck load for the stands. I think that will bring more people I really do. Ya'll should really think about that. I know some tracks up North that does it and it turn some tracks around. Fans want to see 15-20 cars in a class beaten and banging. Not 7 cars racing in a line.

