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Late models

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  • Late models

    I did some research on the rule package chasisdude was talking about in Ohio. I also got ahold of Chris Mize.That wasn't easy. It is said, not by me. That this is one of the best package deals to revive late models. There are tracks in WV,NC,Ky, and a few other places went to it. Car counts improved. One track Mize said was in Ona Wv. There count started growing by the first year. It allows basically what chasisdude said. Run what you brung with built motors on 2 ba carbs and crates on 4. 10" crank bolt rule and no offsets. Also no down force bodies. Must fit templates. They key is said to be the tires and different weight for motor combo. Tire number used to be 1677 and 1678 goodyear 10" grooved tire. A big factor, according to Mize in the rule package was a guy named Dave Ehret. He owned couple of cars in north. But it is said him and Mize worked on this and tested tires and weights many hours before getting a good rule package put in place. They started the first year with a 18 car avg. Mize said in 2006 the avg was 26 per week in 15 races. The tire they ran according to him was great. He said out of a 26 car avg the number of tires bought for the year was 7 tires per team avg for the year. 7 TIRES. WOW. He also stated that tracks shouldn't be in the tire bus they are in racing bus. Less cost to drivers means more drivers. He also stated it was not a top end purse. 800 to win and 175 to start. He felt by paying good middle through the bottom you get more cars because they can afford to come back. Bottom end cars are just important as top end. Fill the field. I know we are in the south. BUT if this has worked and worked well at other parts of the country why not here??? He also stated CRA kind of went to same package with different tires and some minor changes. Some of his guys went and ran some CRA races without much change. What do yall think?
    Last edited by sgmpman; 03-22-2008, 08:59 PM. Reason: forgot templates

  • #2

    I worked for Mize last season. I looked at the rules and had the chance to talk to people who had raced using that rule package. Everyone I talked to agreed it is a great rule package and made for great races. (and that fills the stands)

    We worked along with Jeff Gordon who fields a crate late model out of the south Georgia area to do some tire tests using his crate late model and a late model with a built engine. Unfortunantly weather stoped some of the testing but Jeff agreed that the rule package worked as tires and weight was the equalizer. We never got the chance to try it in action down here due to new management brought in a different set of rules (and management).

    SGMPMAN I invite you to listen in to the local racing radio show out of Adel Georgia. We will be talking racing every Friday night from 6pm to 7pm on 92.1fm or if your out of the area you can live stream it by going to www.talk921.com and hit the listen button. We should have a real good time. The host of the show is Herb Mason and he is knows local racing!!!!


    • #3
      Just want to thank both of you for your posts. I moved down here in 1993 and have watched the late model car counts go down to what they are now. (Terrible) Every time I make any kind of suggestion I get slammed because I'm from up north and I don't know what I'm talking about. See guys I was telling you the truth, 26 cars a night, only buying 7 or 8 tires a season (15 race nights) and racing for $800 to win. Inverting the fast guys and I never seen the car owner pay a pre-entry fee. Man I sure hope CCMP reads this............Rick


      • #4
        I hope Sandy reads this and passes it along to her hubby.

        We've got to get the late models turned around in this state and get more in tune with the rest of the country.

        I miss the days of getting excited about a Sunbelt race and driving 2.5 hours in my car to catch the action.
        www.FloridaSprintCarFans.com - because Florida sprint car racing needs all the help it can get...


        • #5
          Hey SGMPman

          I see where there're running a 250 lap Hooter's cup race there this Saturday night. I also see where there're not running the chanpionship race there this year, looks like Rockingham got it, on Nov. 1st of all days. Will this be the only "big" race there this year?


          • #6
            As far as I know. I was listening to thatradio show Friday night. They said super lates on April 15th. Or something like that. Mize had booked ASA late models south and ASA south east tour. The new man cancelled them tho. They also booted Mize off the show because he questioned one of Nixions comments and Mize also said he was trying to get the knife out of his back still from Nixion.


            • #7
              Nawww man you got it all wrong. When Chris called in some how the board went haywire. I never seen so many lights flash at once, I thought it was lightning but the sky was clear so it must have been a power surge.

