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NOW THIS IS COOL. Congrat's to Dustin Dunn!!!!

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  • NOW THIS IS COOL. Congrat's to Dustin Dunn!!!!

    Now this is Proformance (WINNING in the CLASSROOM)!

    Tallahassee Florida 3~304-2895
    850.201.6200 I www.tcc.fl.edu
    January 18, 2011
    Dustin Anthony Dunn
    1124 Ocala Road Apt. B101
    Tallahassee, FL 32304
    Dear Dustin:
    I write to congratulate you on your excellent academic performance. By earning
    a grade point average of 3.50-3.99, you have been placed on the Dean's List for
    the Fall 2010 term. This accomplishment will be reflected on your official college
    Students who have an overall 3.25 GPA may be eligible for the TCC Honors
    Program. If you have not taken honors classes but are interested, please contact
    Professor Mark Goldman, Honors Program Chairman, at (850) 201-8172 or
    goldmanm@tcc.fl.edu for more information.
    Congratulations on being named to the Dean's List.
    . Barbara R. Sloan, Ph.D.

    Vice President for Academic Affairs

    Congrats to Dustin and your whole FAMILY!

  • #2
    Thanks Bobby!!!! I thought you would like to see those. You know how hard it is to keep a high GPA in collage. Once your GPA goes down you can almost never bring it back up. He learned that at a young age. He has always had a high GPA. The Dean's list you posted was from his first semester of collage. He is in his first semester of his second year now. Next year I will be an FSU DAD.

    What did you think of that other package I sent you? Not to bad for a rough draft was it? What do you think?

    Thanks for all of your support!!!


    • #3
      We all certainly want our kids to excel! My daughter is maintaining a 3.38 average.........i never even made it to college, just right to work after high school.

      Dean's list is awesome.
      Normalcy is a myth. what is perfectly normal for the Cheetah, Becomes absolute chaos for the Antelope.


      • #4
        Wtg Dustin !!!!

        I am so proud of you. Ive watched you grow from a young kid to the man you have become and I have always thought you were special. Keep up the good work. It will pay off. You are lucky also to have a wonderful supportive family. Good luck and God bless. You know I love you.

        Congrats to your daughter too Benny.. ;-)


        • #5
          Kids are our future!

          The future looks bright when you have kids like these leading the way. Again congrat's to all of you. Benny Family as well. The other package is awsome. I will get with you. Thanks again for sharing thats cool!!!!


          • #6
            Benny. You and me both,,,,,,, never made it to collage. He'll, I left home before I even graduated high school. But I did graduate that year. I know how proud you must be of your daughter maintaining a high GPA and you should be. Thanks for sharing that with us. Tell her to keep up the good work!!!

            Carol, Do we know you????LOL We used to know a Carol at the racetrack that would come and give us hugs and wish us luck and cheer us on. She would always come over and see Cruiser. If you are her, we sure miss ya.

            Bobby. Call me. 561-420-2099. I thought you would like that package.
            Last edited by mr south 59; 10-10-2011, 07:32 PM.


            • #7

              You have no idea how much i miss you and your family and many other racers. My health has been really bad this year and im trying to get better but ive done alot of damage. will take time to fix it. (if ever).
              I will NEVER forget you and if theres anything such as a virtual hug... well theres a pile of them for you!
              love you guys very much.


              • #8

                Congrads Mr south 59.
                A proud father is a great thing to be.


                • #9
                  Carol. We are sorry to here that you are still not doing so good. Get well soon. If there is anything we can do just let us know. I'm sure Dustin would come and pick you up and bring you to the track and back home if you need a hand. He loves to drive. We should be bringing Gram to the next race. We would love to have you there also. I will give the family your love. Thanks for all of your support.

                  BVS... You are oh so right. With the way everything is today and the way that most of the kids are today it really feels. Thanks

