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can' fix stupid!

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  • can' fix stupid!

    usally dont complain publically about dumb a@@ drivers but i can't take it no more.
    went to east bay this weekend havent been there in years! so pull the old street stock out bath her and here we go.
    i went to the rear so i didnt get in the way in the heat race, same for the feature. about midway thru the race i start feeling it picking them off 1 at a time, then i get to what has to be the worst driver in the whole world (shaggy) i get beside him were going down the back stretch and bam!!! he turns left.. wth/?? are you retarded or what? same thing on the front stretch. and then thinks i did somthing wrong because i didnt back off and dumps me. tim spencer, you need to open your eyes, someone is going to get hurt. you wonder why you have to build so many cars. look how you drive. just build a demo derby car and be done with it. you are dangerous and out of control! i hope no one gets hurt because of you!
    end rant

  • #2
    One time i was racing there had a flat was at least 75 feet off the track in the infield leaning on the car watching the race. I move from the car and hear BAM he has plowed into my car with it setting in the infield. Hit so hard it popped his visor up. He slams his visor down backs up and goes back at it with all kinds of fluid pouring from his car.
    Another time he spun in 3 and 4 and headed back towards the field.Yes he was heading from turn 4 back towards turn 3 wide openwith the race still under green.
    He has been put in the wall 3 times i know of because of what he does and he is still to dumb to take a hint.


    • #3
      Why does the track let him race?


      • #4
        i know how he is so i timed my pass just perfect, but he still attacked me. not gonna put his business out there but, im calling the track tomorrow about somthing's they were seen doing down there in the swamp where he parks.
        the track is creating a hostile enviroment by not doing somthing about this idiot. he's gonna hurt someone. worst part, this tard has no idea he's done somthing wrong. i started to drive right thru him after the race,but didnt want to stoop to that level. and certainly didnt want to hurt the dummy.


        • #5
          Old Song,different Singer

          Originally posted by Rick Williamson View Post
          Why does the track let him race?
          I think every track has a driver like this. The fans come to see wreckin and love it. Meantime the drivers hate him(or her) and put him in the wall whenever possible,again pleasing the fans.
          I know of one track,not one I race at, where the drivers complained and the track said "our car count is low enough, we can't afford to loose cars".
          Well, guess what. We can't afford to fix the car every week.....so goodby.
          RIP Jack Smith and Kim Brown. Many thanks for all you have done for our sport.


          • #6
            have him put another seat in the car get a seeing eye dog

            and let the seeing eye dog drive he has been like that forever you ain't the only one that has trouble with the piney wood boys

            we use to race there had to buy 5 tires and wheels ever time we got close to them till we had a talk on front straight away one night with one of them

            they are better now than they use to be .. here's the deal ever one has the right to race and there ain't nothing you can do about it some times they are better than others -- might be another whole story why some times they have problems


            • #7
              yes he has the right to race, but i should have the right not be in danger at all times when he's around. i remember when the 64 was out there, i dont feel like he's seeking me out personally, but damn man, lets race not crash.. and thats all he does is crash people. after he attacked me he drove over the hood of another guy. it's the same old thing with him. enough is enough.
              thats alright been racing a-dale this season and like it.. gonna race figure 8's for the first time ever this week! and forget all about shaggy!lol


              • #8
                i ain't talking bad about the guy but i got a lot junk

                tore up ever time we even got close to those cars i don't know how many new tires and wheels then one night we were sitting side ways on track waiting for them to clean up a wreck and here he came and bonzied us in drivers door bet he won't ever for get that night

                that's the night the straw broke the camels back it was all over i don't know what there problem was then they stayed away from us from then on

                we race dirt ever once in while but mostly we race asphalt now but we love dirt to sorry about your luck

