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    has started, you have to Labor Day before it ends. For those taxpayers that are helping to pay for this program, yet did not use the program you will have to work Labor Day. Toyota and Ford are out selling GM and Chrysler which might be good Toyota and Ford Nascar teams, more money might come their way. (got the racing stuff out of the way) I was reading the car ads the other day and looking at the small print notice this. One ad read this, for every $1000.00 you put down you save $16.00 a month another one read $13.50. Then I understand how Michelle Omaba felt when she said that she had been bitter all her life until the election trail. I am bitter. I'm driving a early 2000 model that is nickel and dimeing me to death yet it gets above the gas mileage allowed for the clunker progarm. ( I WANT TO SAY I DID NOT HEAR GLEN, RUSS OR SEAN SAY ANY OF THE FOLLOWING) $4500.00 CLUNKER REBATE at $16.00 PER $1000.00 = $72.00 PER MONTH $864.00 PER YEAR $4320.00 AT THE YEAR OF A 60 MONTH LOAN THAT IS COLD CASH IN YOUR HAND. For those who does not use the program enjoy paying taxes this year.

  • #2
    if you even had a clue what some of them clunkers

    looked like you would wonder what is wrong with this world ..

    i can not believe that there could not have been a better plan that's about all i can afford to say


    • #3
      Originally posted by ronabneysr View Post
      looked like you would wonder what is wrong with this world ..

      i can not believe that there could not have been a better plan that's about all i can afford to say

      You know, I couldn't think of anything better to spend my tax dollars on. All of those cars were sold off for scrap only. What about the poor that could have used them? I noticed LKQ in Daytona was selling parts off several "clunker cars" but they were not selling motors or trannys out of any of them.


      • #4
        A just think of the poor people that NOW can't make the payment on their new car. Is this going to be the NEXT bailout?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Rick Williamson View Post
          A just think of the poor people that NOW can't make the payment on their new car. Is this going to be the NEXT bailout?
          I see it coming.


          • #6

            But just think, they got $4,500 for their old clunkers!

            What a deal (NOT)...

            I said it then and I'll say it again... alot of people went out and bought into this fantasy that should be sitting in that old clunker that was paid off instead of signing those papers and now facing car payments.

            My old neighbor told me several years ago to get "Fluid" (at the time, I thought he was getting too kinky like EDM), however, he meant to sit tight, get things paid off - don't get involved with unnecessary purchases etc. Boy am I glad I listened to him...

            Just like the real estate market... people got in over their heads, I'm afraid the same thing will happen POST "Cash for Clunkers".
            Thank a Police Officer for what they do........... OSF:


            • #7
              Originally posted by Old Sunshine Fan View Post
              (at the time, I thought he was getting too kinky like EDM),.
              Hey Bob, you're starting to scare me, these are things that you should not know.


              • #8
                but they were not selling motors or trannys out of any of them.

                you couldn't sell any of the clunker motors.

                that was part of the program. Obama was requiring that all the oil be drained, that a silica solution be put into the engine in place of the oil and then you would run the engine til it locked up solid.

                typical "Broken Window" economic retardation.
                Racers Supporting Racers - for all your Vero Beach area automotive repair needs:

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                famous for my INtemperance on the INternet.


                • #9
                  At least there was one positive result of the Cash for Clunkers program.

                  It took thousands of Obama - Biden stickers off the road!

                  “Mama always told me not to look into the eyes of the sun, but mama, that's where the fun is”
                  ~ Manfred Mann ~


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Jim Fenton View Post
                    At least there was one positive result of the Cash for Clunkers program.

                    It took thousands of Obama - Biden stickers off the road!

                    Amen brother Amen!


                    • #11
                      My company has haul over 200 Clunkers to be destoryed. and just to say as much as I hate to admit it, when the "liquid glass" soulution is put in the motors....the Fords will run the longest before locking up...lol But as I would love to say the shit boxes locked up in under a minute haha "honda,toyota,mazda"

